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dreww4546 t1_j1f46pz wrote

I used to run a park group, and served in a volunteer advisory capacity with Enrichmond (I moved and resigned 6 years ago).

I got to know the staff quite well and will say that I seriously doubt that their collapse was due to anything other than a bad accounting system and being in over their heads.

I know at one point they were pushed by the city to buy some islands in the James, with no advance notice. And, they were blamed for the 17th street farmers market fiasco but were never given any real input into how that project ran. As for the Apple cider Grove in chimborozo, the neighbor didn't want it, the donor didn't fund it, and it would have been illegal for them to plant a Grove of trees reserved for their business use in a city park.

As the article suggests, I think the city is equally to blame in this fiasco and I truly hope they step in and make the partner groups whole again.