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bagelpunisher t1_j2x2yxd wrote

How is it in the middle and not closer to the edge??


fishmapper t1_j2x3lor wrote

Probably floated for a while until it filled enough to submerge. Cars have lots of air voids and foam in them that would be bouyant.


bagelpunisher t1_j2x48of wrote



chairmanbrando t1_j2x8o7r wrote

This is also why you don't drive through water on the road during flood conditions. People think of cars as these super heavy things that should have no trouble fording, but they float a lot easier than you'd expect.


fajita43 t1_j2xhph6 wrote

excuse me but it's a civic not a ford... hahahaha

i mistakenly thought the term was "fjording" but your comment has corrected me. thank you!


tmos540 t1_j2xk0cs wrote

Fjording is what the Vikings did. You must be thinking of forwarding.


Mikey6304 t1_j2xnm4s wrote

Forwarding is what your grandma does with chain emails. I'm pretty sure you are thinking of flooring.