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docskreba t1_j654pqu wrote

I can only imagine how bad the video is going to be. Cops got fired and charged before it was even released….

Edit: spelling

Edit 2: If anyone is interested, this channel on YouTube is where I usually go to watch police body cam footage. All they do is put up whatever official footage is released by police departments and they usually do it very quickly. It's all uncut, unedited footage, and doesn't include commentary unless the police released it that way. Lots of boot lickers in the comments, but it's a good source of unbiased footage. Should also go without saying that the channel is VERY NSFW.

Edit 3: Just watched a couple of the videos they released. It’s bad.


_Joe_Momma_ t1_j68ec4s wrote

>official footage is released by police departments

>unbiased footage.

Hang on, hang on, hang on. Those two things are mutually exclusive. Footage gets "lost" all of the time or cameras were off "by accident". The only footage they'll have to put up is stuff that helps police narratives or what the police are required to release by outside authorities.


inexcelciusheyoooo t1_j655mou wrote

Cops would be on paid leave if they were white but still, they’re really hyping this shit up to be catastrophic

Edit: Y’all wild for the downvotes, keep ‘em coming ya fucking bootlickers


Mollysindanga OP t1_j65ccw7 wrote

MPD Captain herself is also warning people about how bad it is.

PDs across the country are on high alert for the public finally seeing this video MPD is carefully planning the release so people can be off work and children out of schools, imho really shouldn't be taken lightly.


inexcelciusheyoooo t1_j65f8u1 wrote

“Sorry we keep brutally murdering people, please don’t try and resist the boot of our authoritarianism” ridiculous. The response to state violence should be violence against the state.


burdell69 t1_j65urcg wrote


inexcelciusheyoooo t1_j65xz3i wrote

Bruh so they didn’t even get fired on the spot what the fuck lol, fuck the police


jedigandalf t1_j686tvi wrote

Idk why you’re getting downvoted either. I mean I would like to say too that the cops would all be fired and charged right away if they were white but I don’t trust the police and based on their numerous criminal and murderous actions how could we possibly believe they would do the right thing? Whole police system needs to be abolished. Bunch of good for nothing bastards.