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Special_Smell9482 t1_j64b142 wrote

I was just thinking if you told me a cop was arrested for child porn, this is what I figured he’d look like.


chairmanbrando t1_j64orhu wrote

Eh. He looks like a standard donut-eating cop bully who who delights in impressing his will over people but lets every bad guy get away in a foot chase because he's physically incapable of running. He's one of the dudes you see at the perimeter of a police line, gut protruding over his hidden belt and stressing his uniform buttons, telling people to Stay back!, delighting in his very serious tone, as he wheezes because standing up counts as exercise for him.


reebokhightops t1_j65dxb7 wrote

You pictured an entirely typical looking overweight white guy with a goatee?