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t1_j584zhh wrote

mine was 300 exact and i had my aux set to 68 - 1250sqf house


t1_j5862t3 wrote

Glad I’m not the only one. I have 1800 sq ft and it was a bit more than that. I usually have it on 70


t1_j5a7qaz wrote

Thank god for this thread. We moved over the summer, our new house is 2600 and has two old heat pumps, one for each story. I got a $350 bill and was terrified that was our new normal because of the age of the house or condition of the heat pumps. At least if it’s hitting that hard elsewhere too I know it WAS an outlier and I’m not gonna lose my ass on heating bills.


t1_j5bmiy3 wrote

$220 for us, typically $120 - $150. 1600 sqft two stories, 68-71f depending on time of day.