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thisonesathrowawway t1_j5wmwzb wrote

All are welcome just not only gay people or people who have been harmed by gender ideology and deserve a space free from it


TheStinkySkunk t1_j5ymavz wrote

Jesus you're probably one of those "All Lives Matter" people.

Look the pride flag, rainbow, BLM logo isn't saying white people don't matter or cis gendered people don't matter. It's saying that these people are equal to the cis gendered and white people.


thisonesathrowawway t1_j61tmbj wrote

Lol what I’m saying is that people who have been harmed by this ideology; primarily women and gay people deserve spaces free from it in public.


slapyapyap t1_j5xus74 wrote

That’s kind of what I was thinking on this. With so many ideologies being forced on us constantly, it would be nice to walk into a public space and not see posters or or other displays that are always pandering to a minority. Kids should be walking into a place to learn free from stuff like this shoved down there throat. This seems to be the pendulum finally swinging back but over correctly a bit too much.
