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Marino4K t1_j6b3jcg wrote

What the fuck is going on recently? I feel like there’s been a huge uptick of robberies, break ins, etc going on.


FARTBOSS420 t1_j6bw8ku wrote

I wanna say economic downturns make crime go up. But as I'm looking at sources, they're saying that's bullshit. I guess that's just a myth? Will continue my research


JoeSabo t1_j6cndxj wrote

Wait what? That is definitely not bullshit what 'sources' do you mean?


juicybananas t1_j6d8ybp wrote

I saw a video a while ago about how banning abortion means more kids end up in government border houses and those environments tend to bred criminals because of how harsh they are. But I think the video also said that might also not necessarily be the case. The theory just seemed to fit well so… take it for what you will.


FEdart t1_j6dn986 wrote

The study by Levitt and Donahue that you’re referring to is far from settled fact and is pretty hotly debated by economists BTW.


juicybananas t1_j6jquh7 wrote

Absolutely just thought it was interesting and thought I had made myself clear about that but apparently not...


ManBMitt t1_j6d4lw8 wrote

It’s definitely not bullshit - but we also aren’t experiencing what most experts would call an economic downturn right now.


CantBan-TheSnowman t1_j6dg8ud wrote

We’ve been in a recession for months. You and your “experts” can try to rewrite the dictionary all you want, but we’re in a recession and everybody knows it.


ManBMitt t1_j6dmiwk wrote

Real GDP growth has been positive for the last two quarters - I don’t know of any definition that says we are currently in a recession.


AnnPoltergeist t1_j6eauu6 wrote

All of the official definitions of “recession” are blind to the daily reality of the working classes, and are provided by people whose entire professional life is dependent on unsustainable “growth at all costs” capitalism. GDP growth is largely irrelevant as a measure of a country’s economic health when the majority of economic gains are distributed to a tiny percentage of the population.


khuldrim t1_j6hwynr wrote

"I don't like the actual scientific and official definition or a recession so I'm going to substitute my non-expertise for generally accepted correctness for political reasons"


AnnPoltergeist t1_j6i2jot wrote

lmao here is some light reading for you, sweetie, from the Harvard Business Review, written by two lovely Indian economists with impeccable credentials. Hope this isn’t too casual for you. much love!


khuldrim t1_j6i3t0c wrote

We’re not talking about “human well being” sweetie. wee talking about the accepted definition of recession and how we’re not, by definition, in one.


AnnPoltergeist t1_j6i4qlv wrote

that’s not what my original comment was about. I am not arguing about what the accepted definition of a recession is, i am saying that the accepted definition misses the point. Kinda like how you missed the point of my original comment. Lmaooooo


Trepeld t1_j6lcddc wrote

Interesting how much this is being down voted… it would take a lot of squinting to see a recession from our economic numbers, which has absolutely nothing to do with the extreme inequality, dismantling of our social net, and unfettered capitalism that is depressing wages and mimicking all the negative aspects of a recession that people are experiencing


ITMORON t1_j6czczj wrote

I have a friend who knows the owner of one of a big name car dealerships in the area. He said that car theft is at an all time high in the area as well. High end cars are being stolen from dealer lots, homes etc. While I have not validated this information, considering the source I feel it is likely valid. Be vigilant, keep an eye on your surroundings.