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ZephyrInfernum t1_j6dibji wrote

Reply to comment by militantrubberducky in Just a heads up by that-fn-guy

The rest of the citizens aren't police paid to "protect" or "serve". They have no constitutional duty to actually do their jobs so why have them at all.

Police do not prevent crime.


militantrubberducky t1_j6dm6qo wrote

Aside from your disingenuous overgeneralization, the rest of the citizens aren't investigating crimes, aren't processing evidence, and aren't making arrests.


fractalflatulence t1_j6dj4zz wrote

They don’t prevent ALL crime. But they absolutely prevent crimes from occurring

There’s nuance that people like you deliberately ignore when you make statements like “police don’t prevent crime”.

This is why intelligent people don’t take comments like that, and the people making them, seriously.

I’m sure there’s some social reinforcement at play here for people like you making ideological arguments based on far reaching generalizations and convenient platitudes lacking in nuance.

I wonder what happens when the dopamine hit from posting basic-ass takes on Reddit fades away…


applebeesinthetrap t1_j6dyt4d wrote

I think "intelligent" people understand the nuance of the statement and read it as "the effect the police have is dramatically overestimated". Why are u trying to make this so personal lol


fractalflatulence t1_j6ewg2m wrote

There is no nuance in the statement. That’s the point.

Edit to add: How you don't see the irony in you defending a drastic underestimation of the value of policing on the grounds of an alleged overestimation of the value of policing is beyond me....


applebeesinthetrap t1_j6ezt45 wrote

What? Yes there is.. you said so yourself.

>There’s nuance that people like you deliberately ignore when you make statements like “police don’t prevent crime”.


fractalflatulence t1_j6f1ghe wrote

Serious question, did you hit your head?

I'm replying to the comment " **Cops are worthless** "

that has zero nuance..


applebeesinthetrap t1_j6f9szq wrote

Yeah sorry I am a bit slow.. thank you for being patient with me. I think we might have a misunderstanding..

Could you tell what the word nuance means here? Not the definition of it (I looked that up already don't understand!). But what you are talking about when you say it?

From this statement of yours >There’s nuance that people like you deliberately ignore when you make statements like “police don’t prevent crime”.

Edit: A better way to phrase my question is "what is the nuance that people are deliberately ignoring?"
