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BikeInWhite t1_j6b95k1 wrote

Welcome to Virginia where you get taxed again and again on property you already own and already paid tax on when you purchased. It's an obnoxious racket. You should be thankful you have older vehicles as the newer the car the more taxes you pay on it.

And yes, the tax happens once a year.


55V35lM t1_j6bqpyv wrote

May be an age thing but it used to be worse. Gov Gilmore, who campaigned on eliminating the car did manage to reduce it by a large percentage but not eliminating it.


JeffRVA t1_j6d1u28 wrote

And blew a massive hole in the state budget in the process.


Dramatic_Barracuda55 t1_j6dftnt wrote

Stupid government spending did that.


JeffRVA t1_j6dgi72 wrote

Actually as I recall the state was having big surpluses similar to now so he campaigned on eliminating it using those funds. Then the Dot Com Bubble popped around 2000 and the recession hit causing a massive drop in revenue. The state ended up having to cap the rebate and it’s never been raised resulting in increasing taxes each year because the amount has to be spread among more people.

Edit to add, the “stupid government spending” you’re referring to is stuff like schools and other local services. The car tax and other property taxes go straight to localities to pay for stuff like that, not to the state.

Not sure why my original comment is being downvoted unless the people doing so aren’t old enough to remember this is what happened.


Worsebetter OP t1_j6bbz9q wrote

Coming from outside of virginia - this is the most ridiculous thing i’ve ever heard of. For a car? I was wondering why the economy here is so depressed.


RVADoberman t1_j6be8y1 wrote

Why did you leave the other state, you know, the one with the booming economy?


testylawyer t1_j6bpb69 wrote

The economy is only depressed if youre not it Nova where all of the laws are written to benefit the elite class who live up there.


Paverunner t1_j6d0umt wrote

It’s not all elite… most of us are just scraping by and grew up lower middle class lol