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Hedgecore138 t1_j6nzbsd wrote

Lyft is saying ~$18.00 for a scheduled 5:15am pickup near St. Mary's to the Amtrak station. If you don't schedule ahead, you might have to wait a little longer but it would be cheaper.


Cheap-Ad7916 OP t1_j6nzka8 wrote

Good to know! I checked with Uber and they quoted $43. Henrico cab $28.


spitfyr12 t1_j6p0z3z wrote

That really sounds high from Uber, I wonder why? The early hour or the scheduling? Only saying so because I occasionally take Ubers about 4-5 miles around the near west end after one too many drinks and it's never been more than like $16.


Cheap-Ad7916 OP t1_j6p1w02 wrote

I think maybe the scheduling. I priced it for a Saturday morning at 6.