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freetimerva t1_j3lmi9t wrote

If anyone on southside wants to come by my house and take a bunch of logs off my front yard... please dm me.

I cut down a massive red oak, and then our equipment to move the logs broke down. So it's been stuck out there for a couple weeks.

Not seasoned.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j3nerrb wrote

I might be interested


freetimerva t1_j3o1bm4 wrote

You know where it is!

Some of the 2 foot length logs were grabbed today. But plenty of long ones left to cut up.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j3tth0g wrote

Not a huge big deal, but I'll grab anything your neighbors don't if it's still there. My big chainsaws aren't around currently. Meant to take a look today but was insanely busy


freetimerva t1_j3vtdck wrote

Today after work I can go out there and cut up some more good logs. Theres still logs thats carryable out there. Just some of it is 4ft sections etc. Lots of branches and stuff though.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j3wqul1 wrote

4 ft is actually great by me.

If you stack branches in a pile by the trash cans the city will take them away. In their own sweet time, but...