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OrangeJuiceOW t1_j6w7396 wrote

Okay but can we get like the actual meta analysis on this so we can finally know if coffee is heart healthy or not


Hyjynx75 t1_j6w9ndu wrote

Seriously though. We need "COFFEE GOOD" or "COFFEE BAD". This whole providing scientific data and expecting us to draw our own conclusions is so last century.


raygundan t1_j6yfaww wrote

> We need "COFFEE GOOD" or "COFFEE BAD".

The problem is that for things like this, there really isn't a black-and-white answer like that. It will be good for some things and bad for some things and then it will probably vary by person on top of it.

As a general rule of thumb, if you read an article that says something like "red wine is good for you," you can safely assume the study was really, really specific and said something like "red wine can slightly reduce blood pressure in people with mildly elevated blood pressure" and that it's the reporter who has oversimplified. It's not like the risks of alcohol consumption increasing your chance of cancer and liver damage and so on went away... it just also does this other thing they found.


TheDismal_Scientist t1_j6wb1ae wrote

I'm pretty sure the consensus is that coffee is heart healthy now, with a sweet spot between 2-4 cups. Shame it doesn't work for me because I have anxiety


sebirds t1_j6wlvs0 wrote

It's linked with other benefits as well. I recall reading about how it can reduce the chances of one developing alzheimers.


iwouldhugwonderwoman t1_j6x9kb0 wrote

Helps protect your liver as well.

My dad got hep c from a blood transfusion in the mid 1970s.

50 years later and no significant liver damage. Studies started coming out around 2010 or linking coffee intake and lower liver damage and sure enough my dad is a pot a day guy.

Thankfully he went through treatment and no is Hep C free.


billsil t1_j70uqvv wrote

I have anxiety an coffee is great for me. I also have ADHD and it makes my feel like my body is running at the right pace. The more I have to focus on something, the more coffee I'm drinking. Coffee calms me down and I mostly drink it on an empty stomach and always black.


bongokhrusha t1_j6wr13q wrote

I cannot drink more than one sadly, even though I love it. it really hits my anxiety and gives me acid reflux


hawkeye224 t1_j6wyjdj wrote

Are you undereating? I get anxiety symptoms if I undereat and drink coffee. And I have to watch myself because I have a propensity to undereat, but when I eat properly I feel a lot better, and feel energetic but calm after coffee.


itsSIR2uboy t1_j6wuch4 wrote

I had to switch to tea. Sad face.


Chakkaaa t1_j6y92mc wrote

Stopped any caffeine two weeks ago for the first time in a long time. Anxiety has improved big time. Its crazy


promethazoid t1_j6zc0yx wrote

Same. Sometimes wil have 2, but I exclusively drink half caff bevs for this reason


Alittlebitmorbid t1_j703kuc wrote

There are kinds of coffee that have very low acid and are kind of more "stomach-friendly", just search for low acid coffee. And the anxiety is caused by caffeine, so decaf could work?


bongokhrusha t1_j7199t1 wrote

It helps to drink a dark roast not a medium one to not get acid


GoreDeathKilll t1_j73v8ni wrote

Adding to this but also how you prepare your coffee. I’d suggest a French press if you were looking for something less acidic.


aandres_gm t1_j70y5rd wrote

Acid reflux may come from drinking coffee that has been sitting in a thermos/on a hot plate for a long time. Drinking freshly-made coffee should eliminate that problem


iShitSkittles t1_j6w8mwy wrote

It's also associated with affecting the kidney's way it processes calcium leading to increased risk of osteoporosis....not trying to kill the buzz, sorry.

*Edit to add: in higher doses, they are talking 8 cups a day kinda thing.


hiraeth555 t1_j6we42x wrote

Also rheumatoid arthritis I believe


billsil t1_j70uzhk wrote

I had RA before I drank coffee and I've drank a lot of coffee since. Doesn't make a lick of difference.

If you want to do an real RA study, put people on a low carb diet and see how they do. Symptoms will improve. That extra water in your joints hurts. It's inflamed and swelling. Carbs store water so ditch the extra water.

Also, RA is not osteoarthritis. More exercise actually helps RA symptoms. It's the opposite for osteoarthritis.


dustvecx t1_j6wwwf2 wrote

Minor risk for osteoporosis. Drink your milk


iShitSkittles t1_j6x2t6g wrote

That's the thing, one can get all the calcium you think you need, the problem is the kidney doesn't process it as well as it normally would, means a larger percent of that calcium you got through drinking your milk ends up exiting when you take a piss....

Less calcium processed = bigger risk of bone density problems aka osteoporosis.

That's what I took away from the article I linked to anyway.


dustvecx t1_j6xr0cp wrote

You are exaggrating the effect. Yes drinking excess coffee (over 8 cups a day or 4000mg caffeine) is an osteoporosis risk factor but it's a minor one that you can negate by consuming enough calcium.

Main reason osteoporosis occurs is due to people not getting enough calcium and vit d. Other than that, it's not important to majority of the population. It's not like steroids where there is major risk factor for osteoporosis or long use of heparin and anticonvulsants


Raipizo t1_j6xu5ow wrote

That and being sedentary leads to bone loss, so get your exercise.


Independent_wishbone t1_j725epj wrote

If I remember correctly, osteoporosis is barely linked to dietary calcium, and more linked to things like exercise, protein intake, and hormones.


slow_learner75 t1_j6w96ym wrote

So many questions... what's a cup of coffee? One shot...2 shots? Type of coffe? Instant, beans? With or without milk? After scanning the text couldn't find an answer to any of them. Also the study apparently was done only in Italian people.


Fcbp t1_j6xr38z wrote

If theyre Italian its expressos then


the_first_brovenger t1_j6wuljt wrote

A cup of black coffee, strengt somewhere between the extremes, obviously without milk. Then it would no longer be a cup of coffee, it would be a cup of coffee and cream.


1percentof2 t1_j6x170b wrote

I love coffee and it can do no wrong


Ma1eficent t1_j6xhc8e wrote

Right? I would drink it if there was proof it would take 10 years off my life. If it might be healthy...


Avery_Lillius t1_j6ydprz wrote

Why is everyone reading this as coffee=good. It says lower blood pressure but similar arterial stiffness. It's the arterial stiffness that kills you, not the blood pressure. Blood pressure is normally a symptom of arteriosclerosis. This says coffee hides that symptom, but that only mask the underlying condition.


COLON_DESTROYER t1_j728wxt wrote

Lower blood pressure would at minimum help spare you end organs that suffer from persistently elevated blood pressure (e.g. kidneys) no?


Beatless7 t1_j6xd8ws wrote

The Brazilian Coffee Science Board?


swsgamer19 t1_j6xuznz wrote

Does this include coffee with cream?


mythirdaccount2015 t1_j6y5i9m wrote

How do we know this isn’t just the effect of people who were told not to drink coffee because of high blood pressure?


Technical_Sir_9588 t1_j6xa0m7 wrote

I used to be jittery when drinking coffee but my body has acclimated to it over the years so it's not much of an issue unless I'm taking a second cup soon after the first. L-Theanine was helpful to get the benefits of the caffeine without the jitters.


"Caffeine was found to mainly improve performance on demanding long-duration cognitive tasks and self-reported alertness, arousal, and vigor. Significant effects already occurred at low doses of 40 mg. L-theanine alone improved self-reported relaxation, tension, and calmness starting at 200 mg. L-theanine and caffeine combined were found to particularly improve performance in attention-switching tasks and alertness, but to a lesser extent than caffeine alone. No conclusive evidence relating to effects induced by EGCG could be given since the amount of intervention studies was limited. These studies provided reliable evidence showing that L-theanine and caffeine have clear beneficial effects on sustained attention, memory, and suppression of distraction. Moreover, L-theanine was found to lead to relaxation by reducing caffeine induced arousal."


Aim2bFit t1_j70zqbq wrote

Yayyyy. Hooray for dear ol' me!!


bripi t1_j719ay6 wrote

Ha ha! I love that the more coffee is studied the more benefits are uncovered! I will **not** stop drinking it every morning!


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mglitcher t1_j71yuma wrote

i’m sorry i’m basically science-illiterate… is this good or bad for coffee drinkers?


WildWook t1_j721kym wrote

Definitely does nothing but increase my bp and hr for me.


whoamvv t1_j72408j wrote

Then my plan of 8 to 12 a day really sounds good, now!


EquilibriumBoosted t1_j7citwd wrote

coffee seems to enhance exercise and also mimick some health effects from exercise.


Veasna1 t1_j6ygxza wrote

Coffee raises cortisol. When cortisol is active our immune system is suppressed.


EquilibriumBoosted t1_j7cjeh5 wrote

cortisol is raised in any stress induced activity , even exercise. ashwaghanda and ginseng may help lower cortisol