beltalowda_oye t1_jecjxwz wrote
Reply to comment by jayac_R2 in What's your favorite fried chicken in Northern NJ? by Koala_P
I second they are very good. More of a chicken and beer place though but great sauce. A lot of good Korean chicken places around this area too and Pelicana is very popular
beltalowda_oye t1_jdrp83z wrote
Reply to comment by all_of_the_lightss in NJ sues Dow, others over widespread possible cancer-causing chemical in drinking water by EdLesliesBarber
You get a cancer you get a cancer everybody gets cancer
beltalowda_oye t1_jdkn4ma wrote
Reply to home prices in new jersey by odallay
Unless there's a major crash, it'll probably keep going up. And if there's a major crash, the housing prices going down will be the last thing you think about.
beltalowda_oye t1_jdcrp3e wrote
Reply to comment by Pherllerp in Search ongoing for N.J. State Police trooper missing for 3 days by PetitWazoo
When people say some of those that work forces are the same that burnt crosses, they're not trying to be edgy or anything.
beltalowda_oye t1_jdbbvn8 wrote
Reply to comment by SapphireLungfish in Active shooter in Monmouth University, stay safe you guys by Redplushie
Yeah man really hoping this turns into a "gun was there but they talked the shooter down and no one got shot" scenario.
beltalowda_oye t1_jdbba3a wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Active shooter in Monmouth University, stay safe you guys by Redplushie
That's terrifying man. Stay safe.
beltalowda_oye t1_jcyijql wrote
Reply to comment by storm2k in If you have a problem & can't figure out how to fix it, contact 211. They help navigate the system to connect you to services regarding; housing, healthcare, legal, substance abuse, income, food & child care. There are so many programs that ppl don't utilize b/c they don't know they exist. by New_Stats
This may depend on where you live. We had stuff mailed to us about benefits my parents are eligible for for medicaid and such. If you're ever hospitalized in NJ and worried about incurring an insane medical debt, there are team of social workers who will help you navigate it all. Believe it or not, our state isn't all that bad when it comes to these things. A lot of other states are way worse like making the portal and process of application overly complicating and convoluted.
beltalowda_oye t1_jbr6wkv wrote
Reply to Rising Temperatures Due to Climate Change Will Reduce Coffee Production Globally, Study Suggests by chrisdh79
If climate change itself won't finish us off, the scarcity of coffee most assuredly will.
beltalowda_oye t1_jaj6wdy wrote
Reply to A study found that "cannabis use is common amongst patients with tinnitus and current users of cannabis reported that it helped with their symptoms." by OregonTripleBeam
Well I am a medical cannabis user and I have bad tinnitus especially at night. And weed does help a lot. I didn't hear the ringing until I was reminded of it reading this headline haha
beltalowda_oye t1_jadxpq6 wrote
Reply to You've got a problem! by Ok_Cut1802
Some cannabis users absolutely get to a rather depressing state of themselves. But in no way should you be comparing medical cannabis patients to people who drink alcohol or smoke/vape nicotine. This is just blatant ignorance and part of the reefer madness culture still alive here if you categorize them in the same group.
beltalowda_oye t1_ja8qapv wrote
Reply to comment by Shishkebarbarian in Student charged after bullied New Jersey school girl takes her own life by r4816
Yeah I mean it's honestly just a social media platform. It reflects what people are saying and I honestly do feel like sometimes I'm talking to teens and angry brats but I've also talked to much older crowd on reddit. Regardless of how we might feel, I think the younger generations opinion on this matter because they're the ones living through it now or just went through it. The experience is fresher.
beltalowda_oye t1_ja8pgrc wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Student charged after bullied New Jersey school girl takes her own life by r4816
Imo you need to be specific. As much as I want to be on the same page, I can't read your mind or preemptively know what you believe is something everyone should already know.
Let's review what you're talking about case by case. Which cases are we talking about and which punishments are the progressives? Then let's review the cases that highlight that double standard and see if there's a deeper context or indeed a bias in the way we approach judicial system. It should come as a surprise to no one that our justice system is not perfect and even the working parts can often shit the bed. But in this particular case is it wrong? I don't think so.
Who remembers Tyler Clementi? Pepperidge farm remembers.
beltalowda_oye t1_ja85iuf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Student charged after bullied New Jersey school girl takes her own life by r4816
I mean... have you talked to anyone outside of reddit? It's not just reddit. A lot of people want the kids responsible for this hazing punished. And they're not wrong. Whether what the punishment is? That's where things get a bit tricky and people disagree.
Reddit also has gen z to boomers so depending on who youre talking to, you're gonna get completely differing opinions for certain topics.
beltalowda_oye t1_ja18c53 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Cannabidiol (CBD) Supports the Honeybee Worker Organism by Activating the Antioxidant System by GivenAllTheFucksSry
Well weed IS a flower. Apparently bees love cannabis because the pollen is super sweet
beltalowda_oye t1_j9we78k wrote
Reply to comment by needtoredit in Keep Voting along the Party line and NJ you get what you deserve. Thank you Assemblyman Bergen. by [deleted]
You're talking about tribalism and that's something thats in our biology with how we evolved. Is it unnecessary and detrimental to how we vote and such? Yes. But don't mistake thr fact it's political partisanship that causes this. You've stated it yourself. People play tribalism with a goddamn android and apple. With Xbox and Playstation. With coke and Pepsi.
Curious. Do you think this ends when you go to Florida for example? Texas? Even California for our more left leaning voters? It's always going to be there. Right now you're complaining because so many voters vote between party lines. How do YOU know they voted for Murphy because he's simply Democrat for example? Did you even research the other republican? I'm not going to pretend NJ is perfect. Far from it.
But apply utilitarianism. What do you hope to accomplish by posting this thread? Change our minds? To see if there are valid counterarguments? To just vent about your frustrations?
beltalowda_oye t1_j9wag2a wrote
Reply to Keep Voting along the Party line and NJ you get what you deserve. Thank you Assemblyman Bergen. by [deleted]
You're welcome to go to Florida with all the retiree refugees if you idolize it so much since according to you it's such a haven for good voters with a brain of their own but making a post on reddit where 99% of NJ voters will not see this isn't doing anything so you may as well go outside right now and kick some rocks because at least you'll be affecting something in reality by doing so.
beltalowda_oye t1_j9v2zp6 wrote
Reply to comment by shant_jan in MFs want me to go to Ridgewood for $4 😭 by munchingzia
Both sides of the spectrum is true tho. Shit like this is ridiculous and why restaurants place minimum order for deliveries prior to Uber eats. And tipping is out of control in some aspects. I say this as someone who tips very well.
beltalowda_oye t1_j9v2qu6 wrote
Reply to comment by igotthepowah in MFs want me to go to Ridgewood for $4 😭 by munchingzia
Yep and I'm not spending my break picking up coffee for everyone. Our facility is paid break so we have to answer calls and shit during break too.
beltalowda_oye t1_j9sb825 wrote
Everyone should get mental health days.
beltalowda_oye t1_j97zqeq wrote
Reply to Females' propensity to deposit more fat in places like their hips, buttocks and the backs of their arms, so-called subcutaneous fat, is protective against brain inflammation, which can result in problems like dementia and stroke, at least until menopause, scientists report. by QualityWork_
Babe it was a compliment. I meant you look like you're well protected against brain inflammation.
beltalowda_oye t1_j8xyqq8 wrote
Reply to comment by stefeyboy in Compared to wolf pups and kittens, dog puppies tend to spontaneously match actions demonstrated by a human — even in the absence of food rewards by marketrent
There are dozens of us! Dozens!
beltalowda_oye t1_j8l97mq wrote
Reply to comment by NuggetMDr in Study finds link between ‘free sugar’ intake and cardiovascular disease by YoanB
Yes but now we know... harder.
beltalowda_oye t1_j8bdrmv wrote
North Bergen Hudson River trail by the hospital I used to work at. The only issue is some days the Hudson River smells awful
beltalowda_oye t1_jeefjij wrote
Reply to comment by Razrwyre in My friend sent me this from an oil conference by heinzhinesheinz
Now kith