
t1_jcyijql wrote

This may depend on where you live. We had stuff mailed to us about benefits my parents are eligible for for medicaid and such. If you're ever hospitalized in NJ and worried about incurring an insane medical debt, there are team of social workers who will help you navigate it all. Believe it or not, our state isn't all that bad when it comes to these things. A lot of other states are way worse like making the portal and process of application overly complicating and convoluted.


t1_jadxpq6 wrote

Some cannabis users absolutely get to a rather depressing state of themselves. But in no way should you be comparing medical cannabis patients to people who drink alcohol or smoke/vape nicotine. This is just blatant ignorance and part of the reefer madness culture still alive here if you categorize them in the same group.


t1_ja8qapv wrote

Yeah I mean it's honestly just a social media platform. It reflects what people are saying and I honestly do feel like sometimes I'm talking to teens and angry brats but I've also talked to much older crowd on reddit. Regardless of how we might feel, I think the younger generations opinion on this matter because they're the ones living through it now or just went through it. The experience is fresher.


t1_ja8pgrc wrote

Imo you need to be specific. As much as I want to be on the same page, I can't read your mind or preemptively know what you believe is something everyone should already know.

Let's review what you're talking about case by case. Which cases are we talking about and which punishments are the progressives? Then let's review the cases that highlight that double standard and see if there's a deeper context or indeed a bias in the way we approach judicial system. It should come as a surprise to no one that our justice system is not perfect and even the working parts can often shit the bed. But in this particular case is it wrong? I don't think so.

Who remembers Tyler Clementi? Pepperidge farm remembers.


t1_ja85iuf wrote

I mean... have you talked to anyone outside of reddit? It's not just reddit. A lot of people want the kids responsible for this hazing punished. And they're not wrong. Whether what the punishment is? That's where things get a bit tricky and people disagree.

Reddit also has gen z to boomers so depending on who youre talking to, you're gonna get completely differing opinions for certain topics.


t1_j9we78k wrote

You're talking about tribalism and that's something thats in our biology with how we evolved. Is it unnecessary and detrimental to how we vote and such? Yes. But don't mistake thr fact it's political partisanship that causes this. You've stated it yourself. People play tribalism with a goddamn android and apple. With Xbox and Playstation. With coke and Pepsi.

Curious. Do you think this ends when you go to Florida for example? Texas? Even California for our more left leaning voters? It's always going to be there. Right now you're complaining because so many voters vote between party lines. How do YOU know they voted for Murphy because he's simply Democrat for example? Did you even research the other republican? I'm not going to pretend NJ is perfect. Far from it.

But apply utilitarianism. What do you hope to accomplish by posting this thread? Change our minds? To see if there are valid counterarguments? To just vent about your frustrations?


t1_j9wag2a wrote

You're welcome to go to Florida with all the retiree refugees if you idolize it so much since according to you it's such a haven for good voters with a brain of their own but making a post on reddit where 99% of NJ voters will not see this isn't doing anything so you may as well go outside right now and kick some rocks because at least you'll be affecting something in reality by doing so.