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ualbertathrowaway- t1_j74nqa1 wrote

Few questions:

  1. Would left and right wing participants from different countries show similar FMRI patterns? It would be interesting to see what constitutes “left” or “right” wing in Israel.

  2. It would be worth it to further analyze what the differences in brain activity actually mean. Conservatives and Liberals show different scores on a variety of personality metrics (Big 5, empathy, impulsivity etc..). Could we sort people (within each group) based on scores on certain major personality characteristics and see how the patterns differ? From that, would we see how much certain profiles of low and highs in certain key personality match the activity of the average labeled ‘left winger or ‘right winger’? Basically, is there a spectrum here? Could someone considered more or less left or right leaning show a pattern weaker or stronger than the average based off of key traits?

  3. Would it be possible to correlate the activity of specific activated brain regions with the emotions participants report during/after watching the ads?

  4. What exactly about each ad is causing the difference in brain activity? Just the fact that it’s labeled as right or left wing, or that a certain opinion is shared in the video that causes the rift due to ideological differences. Basically, does the details of a right or left wing ad matter?