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YggdrasilsLeaf t1_j7gew4s wrote

I’ve found it’s easier to keep asking them questions that inherently cause them to contradict themselves and challenge their current outlook.

Some people have to realize a thing on their own before they are capable of willingly accepting it.


oldar4 t1_j7jbohb wrote

No thats generally not a good approach because they'll fall back on emotions and probably hate you as well. And just not really listen to anything you say. You have to appeal while listening and be open to their ideas as well. As you're not right about everything either.


drkgodess t1_j7hsps8 wrote

Self-discovery is a cornerstone of teaching.


uberneoconcert t1_j7iyzja wrote

Doesn't work on my mother. She says "What are you trying to set me up for?" Then goes off on another tangent.


Shark_Leader t1_j7lbyp7 wrote

That's usually the worst approach. The evidence is in the study for this post. People have cognitive dissonance and will do all sorts of menatl gymnastics when you take that approach.