Wagamaga OP t1_j7qnb64 wrote
People from the poorest backgrounds are far more likely to develop a mental disorder later in life than those from wealthier beginnings, suggests a study published online in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.
In addition, more than half of people with a low educational attainment at age 30 will have a diagnosis of a mental disorder 22 years later, according to the study of people in Finland.
Previous studies have found a link between socioeconomic position and incidence of mental disorders, but the importance of different measures of socioeconomic position has seldom been compared.
A team of researchers from Finland analyzed official national data on more than 1.2 million of the population born between 1966 and 1986 who were living in Finland when they turned 30.
They set out to investigate the association between socioeconomic position at the age of 30 and the subsequent risk of the most common major mental disorders - substance misuse, schizophrenia, mood, and anxiety disorders.
They used three register-based measures for socioeconomic position, namely, educational attainment, employment status, and personal total income while also taking into account shared family characteristics that have an impact.
The study's population was followed between 1996 and 2017 and just over a quarter (26.1%) of them (331,657) were diagnosed with a mental disorder during the study's follow-up period.
The researchers' analysis showed that lower socioeconomic position at age 30 was consistently associated with a higher risk of being later diagnosed with a mental disorder, even after taking into account shared family characteristics and prior history of a mental disorder.
Ray_Pingeau t1_j7qo6z7 wrote
So not struggling for things like a roof over your head contributes to better mental health? Why didn’t I think to be born rich?
[deleted] t1_j7qo79o wrote
Bama_Peach t1_j7qoh3s wrote
I think it's important to note that the study specifically mentions diagnosis of a mental disorder. This is of course pure speculation on my part but I'm of the belief that those from a poorer background who are diagnosed with a mental disorder later in life probably had the disorder earlier in life but due to lack of resources were unable to seek help to obtain a diagnosis when they were younger.
HToTD t1_j7qooub wrote
That's with a diagnosis too. So in reality the difference is probably even larger.
They mention substance abuse; I imagine that along with general healthfulness, nutrition, sleep, stress etc are major factors.
[deleted] t1_j7qoswr wrote
XO-3b t1_j7qp6x9 wrote
I accidentally didn't get born rich and I regret it daily
otravez5150 t1_j7qq1o5 wrote
Is it all organic mental illness or do drugs play a role?
[deleted] t1_j7qqar9 wrote
[deleted] t1_j7qqkp1 wrote
Foxs-In-A-Trenchcoat t1_j7qqrr3 wrote
Substance use disorder is itself a mental illness.
[deleted] t1_j7qqvzd wrote
[deleted] t1_j7qrask wrote
Smart-Rip-3733 t1_j7qs75h wrote
I'm trying not to read this as an insinuation that all poor people are on drugs so I will be discussing bipolar, which I have. Sometimes bipolar people get their first mania b/c they went to the Dr to get help and were prescribed anti depressants. Bipolar mania can also be caused by stimulants (RX and meth). Bipolar psychosis can be caused by a bad marijuana strain. The bipolar itself would still be "organic" in any case.
enirgin t1_j7qsr71 wrote
There is also evidence that diagnosis with a mental disorder is biased: those in poverty and minorities are diagnosed at higher rates than others with similar symptoms.
HobgoblinKhanate1 t1_j7qszy9 wrote
Drop that avocado, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and open up a factory
[deleted] t1_j7qtix0 wrote
willthompson94 t1_j7quc03 wrote
Poorer people are more likely to experience family dysfunction stemming from things like emotional immaturity, codependency, etc..
percadae t1_j7qunez wrote
Struggling wears people out.
HungryHungryHobo2 t1_j7qurqf wrote
Poor irrational people are crazy.
Rich irrational people are eclectic.
The man on the street corner ranting and raving about gods vengance is insane.
The man on stage in the mega church ranting and raving about gods vengance is impassioned.
Most mental health diagnosis are not objective.
Ten professionals can see the same patient and give them ten different diagnoses.
Most of these include some variety of "Being unable to function in society" by definition, people who are extremely wealthy are not going to meet the criteria of "being dysfunctional" while most extremely impoverished people will.
Zahn91 t1_j7qv2n6 wrote
Someone tell that to my sister
Warlizard t1_j7qv9w3 wrote
Or, people with a mental disorder are less likely to be successful.
Chicken or egg?
1ndomitablespirit t1_j7qvenz wrote
I don't think we as a society put enough stock into the long-term negative effects of stress on a human.
[deleted] t1_j7qvr7q wrote
[deleted] t1_j7qvrkp wrote
TAU_equals_2PI t1_j7qw63o wrote
That has become a taboo viewpoint in society in general. Don't blame reddit.
[deleted] t1_j7qwh7o wrote
Kelevra29 t1_j7qwtxi wrote
Also mental health disorders usually only get diagnosed if they have significant impairment on daily life. For poor people, that means their mental health is interfering with work and their ability to take care of themselves. A lot of people from wealthy families don't have to worry as much about the executive function side of things because they can afford to have other people do those things for them, so they may not seek treatment.
For example, I have trouble keeping my house clean because of my mental health. Someone with money can hire a cleaner. I can't. So i need to seek alternative measures to be able to do the thing that a wealthy person can just pay for and not worry about.
For a wealthy person, they have to have the introspection to say "i don't feel good, this doesn't feel right" in order to want to seek treatment. Poor people have more extrinsic measures of their mental health before they even get to the introspection stage.
PlayfulAwareness2950 t1_j7qx7li wrote
Why not both?
tossawaybb t1_j7qy7i0 wrote
Because they don't display better behaviors or intelligence as compared to poor families. Plenty of rich drug abusers, flunkies, idiots, and every other negative trait commonly pinned on those with less financial means.
Rich people just don't get hurt by it because they've got the cash to brute force past their problems. Drugs? Go away to a 5 star rehab facility better than most hotels. Job loss? Who cares, the passive income alone is enough for multiple families. Wasting money? Well, easiest way to become a millionaire is to start as a billionaire. Even crimes don't matter if someone's rich enough
DrDingus86 t1_j7qyqyh wrote
That’s because poor people can use it to get out of work. Rich people can’t have them or they will loose investors.
SuperBaconjam t1_j7qyule wrote
My future as a poor looks promising!
boynamedsue8 t1_j7qz87c wrote
This finding doesn’t surprise me after doing some digging back in 2018 and reading about the civil rights battle for the ADA and how low of a pay they receive and little accommodations. Even the modern day saint Teresa was a vile and disgusting human being for what she did to the ADA community.
[deleted] t1_j7qztfd wrote
holysmokesiminflames t1_j7r027l wrote
Not taboo. More like, blatantly false and disproven with SO SO SO much research.
Microlabz t1_j7r0r02 wrote
Skill issue
Sethuel t1_j7r1x3w wrote
I don't want to say your version never happens, but there are extremely clear and consistent links between childhood trauma and mental illness, and poverty/food insecurity/homelessness are pretty major traumas to experience in childhood.
To the extent that any of us have a "healthy brain," it's because of an environment that has nurtured our cognitive development. It's a lot like how a healthy body comes from a nutritious diet and not fast food (which, not coincidentally, is why wealthy people have far fewer health problems and a longer life expectancy than people who experience poverty).
Genetics and environment interact constantly. Our genetics have some variation but our differences mostly reflect different skill sets and areas of high potential, rather than any one unitary dimension of intelligence. But our environments vary wildly. To "succeed" in our system, you need access to resources that will train and maximize whatever genetic skills you have, and point that training towards the skills that are valued by capitalism. And that's where environmental differences create massive disparities.
Having grown up pretty well-off and going to private school from third grade through college, I do want to acknowledge the pervasiveness of the narrative that our system rewards people who are smarter and more deserving. So I understand where you're coming from. But that upbringing means I've been around a lot of rich people, and I feel extremely comfortable saying the narrative is mostly nonsense. Plenty of people become rich not through intelligence but through being around other rich people and getting better access to the market. Plenty of "smart" rich people often grew up with constant attention devoted to training their brains to solve the kinds of problems that are rewarded by capitalism.
All of which is to say that I understand that you come by your view honestly, but I think perhaps you've been socialized into accepting a particular narrative. And in my experience it's very clearly a narrative that exists to justify inequality as a post-hoc rationalization, rather than a statement that has anything to do with the reality of how most people experience our economic system. The narrative is a collective emotional defense response to protect our egos and tell us we're well-off because we're special. But if we can get ego defense out of the way, the truth is pretty clear that we're mostly just lucky.
I apologize if any of this activates your defenses. It's hard to feel like maybe we've been lied to our whole lives, and we all deserve better than that.
Wishing you the space and freedom to find some truth.
Dazzling_Ocelot3067 t1_j7r1zq0 wrote
That's right, because we call mental health issues in the rich "eccentricities".
Ok_Skill_1195 t1_j7r23vy wrote
My dad suffered stress induced psychosis. Stress is well known to exacerbate mental disorders. The fact poverty is stressful should surprise nobody
While others here are making some good points about intricacies of diagnosis, I would be shocked if there isn't direct causality here.
[deleted] t1_j7r458d wrote
abaram t1_j7r4iox wrote
And then hire a bunch of poor people with talent and underpay them for stuff they make and overcharge the customers. So easy
TheNextBattalion t1_j7r4jse wrote
I think a lot of people misunderstand "more likely" to mean "will definitely," and overreact from there.
That said, I read the article where they indicate controlling for family history, so my comment is moot.
Overall, though given the facts that some mental disorders do have a genetic predisposition, most people marry/couple in the same socioeconomic status, and education systems tend to be hurdle-some for people with mental disorders, over time we should see these kinds of effects start to emerge over a number of post-industrial generations.
Equality-minded people might try to find ways of counterbalancing the effects of lower mental health, lest poorer kids be trapped from leaving the cycle. Supremacist-minded people might devilishly try to cement those effects into custom or law, like the nobility of old, lest their kids fall and break the positive cycle. We can't avoid facing truths just because abusive people are going to abuse them. They'll find any ol' excuse and will end up having to be quashed no matter what.
Tha_Watcher t1_j7r4xb1 wrote
>Ten professionals can see the same patient and give them ten different diagnoses.
There might even be some unconscious bias in those diagnoses as well.
[deleted] t1_j7r5bab wrote
TheDeathOfAStar t1_j7r5i1h wrote
And remember, our "representatives" aren't there for the people. Our "representatives" are bought by the same corporations that have shackled the lower classes. This is representative democracy's largest folly, and I'd be surprised if we can pull out of this stall.
teedeeguantru t1_j7r6edm wrote
Poverty is harmful. Surprise!
jonskerr t1_j7r6kma wrote
The sociopaths running everything are severely under-diagnosed.
Advanced-Depth1816 t1_j7r72ob wrote
If you can be diagnosed based off of education, then it should be required for states to get sufficient funding and and programs to help those who have bad study skills or learning disabilities. Some places do this but only wealthy and one public school that I know of and that I went to(also wealthy area). We Should be aloud to sue congress members or whoever it may be who block education funding for public school especially in low income areas, because that may very well be the cause of some mental disorders down the line, according to this. Or maybe a union for teachers and other educators so that the great people who want to teach the youth can do it happily and without worrying about feeding themselves or their family
[deleted] t1_j7r743c wrote
TheRealT-101 t1_j7r79eh wrote
Joe Biden helping Americans aquire mental disorders.
[deleted] t1_j7r7tk2 wrote
sdl517 t1_j7r8vzx wrote
I didn't even have to wait 22 years on this planet to have a mental disorder diagnosed
Oriumpor t1_j7r93da wrote
Stress causes hormones to be released in the body. The more stress you have the longer you get that drip drip drip. We know long term stress is bad and causes neuro-atypical behavior and can sometimes not be reversed just by removing the stress.
So stress can sometimes be a one way street of change, and the more you have, the less likely you can come back from the effects.
It's like a drug addiction, only way less fun.
Being poor is paying for life with stress... So yeah, poor folks suffer more because we make them suffer more.
beyd1 t1_j7r97v7 wrote
There's also probably an element of pre selection too. People who are likely to pass on mental disorders aren't likely to be successful themselves.
OrdinaryLunch t1_j7ra893 wrote
Capitalism strikes again. When an economic system requires an underclass of exploited workers, you get this.
Halloran_da_GOAT t1_j7rbtdh wrote
It seems like the causal arrow could be pointing in either direction, here. Surely a mental disorder will make you more likely to wind up with low educational attainment at age 30
stewartm0205 t1_j7rdb24 wrote
Is it possible that the relationship is the other way around?
rumagin t1_j7rh2h6 wrote
And this is why the Western social science of psychology has been wrong (on purpose) for most of its existence. It didn't connect to capitalism as the environment and context within which psychology sits. Like they nearly all ignored capitalisn as though it was somehow natural and not important to their analyses of people. Mindblowing. Is it David Graber who wrote about the emergence of economic and psychology as pseudo sciences in the late 1800s developed to support the ideological, legal and cultural mechanisms needed for capitalism broader entrenchment as supposedly the only way social relations can be organised. Can't remember. Anyways it was an interesting point on the matter.
[deleted] t1_j7rinq5 wrote
elcano t1_j7rk3e0 wrote
Diagnosis was made with the ICD-10. Therefore it isn't accounting for the population that could have a diagnosis of Complex Trauma (CPTSD). This diagnosis wasn't added to the ICD-11 until 2018.
In contrast to regular PTSD, that is caused by a single terrible event (acute), CPTSD is the trauma that people develop by living a series of negative events (chronic). The events don't need to be terrible, but they can be.
This study draws an association between poverty and traditional mental health issues. However, I wonder if in many of those cases the trauma of struggling to cope with poverty and other associated issues might be causing CPTSD as a 'gateway' mental health issue (undiagnosed) that sometimes leads to depression, anxiety and other traditional mental health issues. Anyway, if this is true, those suffering only from CPTSD are not only being underserved, but they could receive intervention before they develop major problems.
otterbomber t1_j7rk4e4 wrote
Bugs and living conditions. I’ve worked in pest control and well off people having a German roach issue is nearly non existent.
Fixing mold, bug, rodent, ventilation, nutrition and temp. issues is way easier when you have money to throw at it
Alegr0 t1_j7roukf wrote
Does the study consider the mental health of the parents? A lot of people with mental health problems are in poverty and mental health difficulties have genetic components so I wonder if that could be part of what’s happening.
dgmilo8085 t1_j7rq1bq wrote
And yet although ad hominem, from my own personal experience the only 4 people I know who have been "certified" have been from extremely wealthy backgrounds.
Daughter of a major CFO, the Son of a massive sunglass company, the son of a famous movie producer, and the daughter of a clothing company.
dgmilo8085 t1_j7rq8nl wrote
I already commented on this thread, but shockingly, the only people I personally know that have developed schizophrenia or serious mental disorders leading to serious trouble were those of extremely wealthy upbringing.
m0le t1_j7rqgyy wrote
As someone bipolar from a well educated and if not from a wealthy background, certainly not from a poor background either, I'd suggest the sheer cost and pain in the arse of getting diagnosed will have an impact on that "later in life" part.
Most mental illnesses (bipolar included) get worse over time if untreated until you end up hospitalised. Then you'll be diagnosed if you're poor. If you have a bit more in the way of resources, you can get investigations into the symptoms earlier in life and treatments (possibly even "off the books" so you aren't recorded as having a mental illness).
Sleepworks t1_j7rtah8 wrote
Capitalism makes you crazy.
[deleted] t1_j7rv7yk wrote
couchmaster518 t1_j7rvgiy wrote
Poverty is a kind of violence
muchmoreforsure t1_j7s09rx wrote
Why zebras don’t get ulcers
Bama_Peach t1_j7s1cog wrote
As someone who has been poor and now lives comfortably - you're absolutely right. Once I didn't have to stress about what bill I was going to have to forgo paying so that I could have lights or keep a roof over my head or worry about where I was going to come up with an extra $500 when my car broke down, my mental state vastly improved. I still struggle with depression but my depression isn't nearly as severe as it was when I had no money.
[deleted] t1_j7s1u2m wrote
[deleted] t1_j7s2gg0 wrote
New-Statement1363 t1_j7s33sn wrote
The study was done in Finland.. Which has "one of the lowest poverty rates" (internet). Not sure how, or if, it affects the info. But I'd be curious about a more economically stratified or poorer country
Ray_Pingeau t1_j7s37pd wrote
I know three that are on welfare.
Edit. I’ve known five suicides. None of them had money.
[deleted] t1_j7s3e3k wrote
townhall t1_j7s3v3y wrote
The chicken or the egg?
[deleted] t1_j7s46s9 wrote
[deleted] t1_j7s4fdm wrote
420caveman t1_j7s4ws5 wrote
I agree with this but I also think that there is a point between the poorest and richest where you are actually worse off.
The sorta people to chuck a tantrum when the parents bought them a Hyundai instead of a Mercedes.
SolidAssignment t1_j7s4ybn wrote
And they normalize theyre disease through the music and entertainment.
420caveman t1_j7s50aa wrote
I fully agree as this is what I have seen again and again.
RussMantooth t1_j7s6i2q wrote
What if your educational attainment isn't very useful?
barbarianinalibrary t1_j7s6it0 wrote
Being poor is expensive, yo.
elanalion t1_j7s8t0g wrote
I 100% agree. I can't believe this wasn't higher.
VirtuitaryGland t1_j7s9fpd wrote
Ah finally some scientific proof that poor people are not only just less wealthy but genuinely inferior beings.
Eyes-9 t1_j7s9rj0 wrote
If you don't mind I'm curious how you went from poor to comfortable.
Bama_Peach t1_j7se2xp wrote
It was a combination of hard work and luck but much moreso luck (or what others like to call networking). A good friend of mine was able to get me an interview for an entry level position at the company she worked for. Even that entry level position paid more than what I was making with several years experience at the job I was at previously. In the city I live in, my new field is in high demand; a combination of that and busting my behind because I did not want to ever go back to struggling financially led to me advancing quickly and, a half dozen or so years later - here I am.
TwoDrinkDave t1_j7se5dq wrote
That's why I got my doctorate--just to stop the voices! I'm sure it'll kick in any minute.
roymondous t1_j7seqw4 wrote
For those talking about causality going both ways, it’s likely less than you think.
There’s another study regarding ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) that found those with high aces and who had financial security had 1/3 of the mental illness rate of those without financial security.
It really is the stress of lacking financial security and everything that comes with that, that causes most of the mental illness described. Combine that with how scarcity lowers your cognitive ability by the equivalent of 13 IQ points (Mullainathan and shafir, study on the same farmers pre and post harvest), and you see how much short term and long term damage it can do.
p4lm3r t1_j7sf9ht wrote
TrashAccount151 t1_j7sgann wrote
Grew up poor. Have plenty of issues. Shocker.
If it wasn't for my grandmother I'd probably be in prison or dead. I grew up in aeth house. She made sure my "parents" always had a roof and I had clean clothes. I'm still an absolute mess, but alive because of her.
kenyonsky t1_j7sitag wrote
Because they could afford to get diagnosed? I can imagine that's a big factor
RepresentativeSeat98 t1_j7sj7kw wrote
But this only applies to people who are poor that live in wealthy countries
GreatMyUsernamesFree t1_j7ska8v wrote
Wealth and the greed that underpins it will never be properly diagnosed in its time.
[deleted] t1_j7sklh6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j7sm8mj wrote
[deleted] t1_j7snj3f wrote
19blackcats t1_j7snk92 wrote
Love to all the grandmas and grandpas raising their grandchildren for whatever reason!
YouCanLookItUp t1_j7sptpn wrote
>those from a poorer background who are diagnosed with a mental disorder later in life probably had the disorder earlier in life but due to lack of resources were unable to seek denied help to obtain a diagnosis when they were younger.
The systems we support are not neutral.
[deleted] t1_j7sqd1a wrote
PresentationJumpy101 t1_j7sr614 wrote
Economic struggle snuggle
Relative-Dream-4804 t1_j7ss6a0 wrote
More good news! No Alzheimer’s! Nice going science hacks.
brilliantdoofus85 t1_j7st3rs wrote
Isn't Finland a relatively generous welfare state? I guess I'm just wondering how severe the level of physical deprivation is we're talking about..
I'm wondering if it's that people who are troubled in some way are both less likely to be educationally and economically successful at age 30, and more likely to be diagnosed with a disorder later in life
dgmilo8085 t1_j7stmm8 wrote
Well not exactly, they’re either dead or in prison.
brilliantdoofus85 t1_j7styw5 wrote
I went from poor to middle class and, while I was less stressed by things, I was somewhat disappointed to discover that my default mood was still just a dull melancholy.
HypothermiaDK t1_j7su7p0 wrote
It's almost as if a mental disorder can prevent you from getting the proper education you would need to become wealthy
brilliantdoofus85 t1_j7su8ud wrote
Finland has an underclass of exploited workers?
[deleted] t1_j7svlnv wrote
DrLeePhDMd t1_j7svxdv wrote
“Instead of a war on poverty, they got a war on drugs so that the police can bother me”
MandingoPants t1_j7sxozq wrote
I’ve heard that roaches can cause asthma
OMEGA__AS_FUCK t1_j7sxsku wrote
Same here. Once I was financially stable, I could afford to go to the doctor to fix an issue that had been bothering me for a long time. While large copay’s and deductibles still suck, I can afford them a bit more now and a car repair doesn’t send me into a panic.
OMEGA__AS_FUCK t1_j7sy28m wrote
There was some kind of study done that suggests that people’s base-line happiness stays about the same. Got a new job that you love and are excited about? Yeah you might be happy for awhile but your general happiness levels out. I could be totally butchering this but it was an interesting read. Too lazy to Google and link but yeah.
OMEGA__AS_FUCK t1_j7sycfh wrote
So many adverse outcomes are linked to poor educational attainment and low SES…I wish it was more widely recognized.
BulletRazor t1_j7t2v0x wrote
Not to mention it’s basis also in white supremacy. The model of functioning for typicality is straight white men.
[deleted] t1_j7t3cm1 wrote
Baelyh t1_j7t4a9e wrote
Yup. Their feces can cause it. Especially German roach feces
[deleted] t1_j7t71sv wrote
[deleted] t1_j7t7o3k wrote
[deleted] t1_j7t8dh9 wrote
Vivi36000 t1_j7t8fns wrote
They can trigger it, absolutely. I found out I have exercise induced asthma, had asthma as a baby, and coincidentally had a hard time falling asleep in a roach infested hotel one time. Didn't realize that connection, but I do remember my sinuses and throat being swollen, like I was having allergies.
Outrageous_Union_756 t1_j7t8waa wrote
When are we going to realize the epigenetic effects poverty has. We are literally setting fetal development up for failure for some, and wonder why people have long-term illness, higher health risk, mental disorders, drug addiction etc. How blind can we be to the destruction of future generations.
bloodmonarch t1_j7tef55 wrote
Damn, if I had known earlier I would just have done heroin and coke.
[deleted] t1_j7ter53 wrote
[deleted] t1_j7tfjgt wrote
PlayShtupidGames t1_j7thr88 wrote
Only if they manifest before breeding age
[deleted] t1_j7tiooy wrote
[deleted] t1_j7tkehl wrote
tehSlothman t1_j7tkygv wrote
Are you from a wealthy background yourself? Looking at examples of people we know is pretty fraught with bias because most people won't be surrounded by a particularly representative group of people, we usually hang around people from roughly similar socioeconomic backgrounds as our own (with some variability and exceptions, obviously)
grambell789 t1_j7tmhv4 wrote
In humans, healthy grand parents are a factor in successful grandchildren.
[deleted] t1_j7tmudk wrote
RalbusVonCrimp t1_j7tnag9 wrote
Turns out, money does buy happiness
Zealousideal-Pin2153 t1_j7toxed wrote
Hahahaha guess I'll just go die now.lok
PlayShtupidGames t1_j7tq8cp wrote
But not in mate selection for the most part
ED: Look, dudes: successful grandchildren and opportunities for breeding are not the same metric. Popping out 40 kids in a trailer in Tennessee is absolutely a valid and effective reproductive strategy, even if they aren't raised by GMA/GPA; it's just not optimal for offspring wellbeing.
Existing precedes well-being and the two are not the same thing. It's ridiculous I have to spell that out in r/science
Megumin_xx t1_j7tquxv wrote
I have come to witness this in my own life. I am a 26 year old male without a profession, unemployed, poor af etc all usual stuff. I can 100% tell stress that has been going on for years is one of the worst things that can happen. Non stressful beneficial things dont even feel good because of stress. Stress is like cancer.
SpecialpOps t1_j7tt27z wrote
Do you have a specific study to cite about wealthy people and executive functioning? I would be very interested on reading more about how executive functioning problems do not affect people with money.
SpecialpOps t1_j7ttrde wrote
I think you have to be rich as well. How’s your financial status? I think building a wall of money keeps the voices at bay?
[deleted] t1_j7tvi2o wrote
asdaaaaaaaa t1_j7tvotm wrote
I mean, I think the issue is most people just don't care, at least not enough to fight for it. Same with most medical issues. Look at what happens when people really care, like a tragedy or something. Generally there's no stops, money comes flowing in, things get approved rapidly, etc.
Personally I think if we genuinely were passionate about fixing something, we do a pretty good job at doing so. Unfortunately, I just don't think enough people care as well as have the resources to address issues like the poor state of healthcare.
dgmilo8085 t1_j7txpbs wrote
While we were far from wealthy, I grew up wealthy adjacent in an affluent area of Southern California.
Gainzwizard t1_j7u074d wrote
Good for you, congratulations on having your hard work pay off :)
lucialuccianna t1_j7u50t6 wrote
Life is confusing and even more frustrating if you have no clue about what’s going on
[deleted] t1_j7u5ymx wrote
HiggsB0 t1_j7u7gxy wrote
Because most people who get get schizophrenia without support networks go homeless, at least in america. You’re seeing them, they’re just on the streets and undiagnosed.
n3w4cc01_1nt t1_j7udl32 wrote
a lot of wealthier people have ideologically inherited psychopathy.
>There is no “psychopathy gene,” but research tells us that psychopathy tends to run in families. Even if a parent does not have psychopathy, they may carry one or more genetic variants that increase their child's chance of developing psychopathy.
but also
basically toxic families perpetuating toxic ideology.
[deleted] t1_j7uedbj wrote
[deleted] t1_j7ugo2e wrote
[deleted] t1_j7uiqfs wrote
[deleted] t1_j7uk1ej wrote
JimmiRustle t1_j7ukcuf wrote
Hold on right there mister. Capitalism Corporatism says you can’t afford to die yet. Better squeeze at least 10 more soul wrenching years out of that miserable existence of yours.
Only then can you be allowed to go die in the climate wars.
Edit: It’d be hypocritical to blame capitalism when I often call out people for not understanding what capitalism is and using that word instead of a more accurate terminology.
JimmiRustle t1_j7ukxwb wrote
> a meth house
For any who might have read that as “bath house” like I did and be confused ah.
JimmiRustle t1_j7ul9hh wrote
Pretty sure people in gated communities can attest to that.
“No poor-people voices on this side of these pearly gates.”
DeepFriedMia t1_j7ullgs wrote
When my daughter had her allergy test, they tested her for a roach allergy. So an allergic reaction to them must be possible.
LiamTheHuman t1_j7uscjv wrote
>For a wealthy person, they have to have the introspection to say "i don't feel good, this doesn't feel right" in order to want to seek treatment. Poor people have more extrinsic measures of their mental health before they even get to the introspection stage.
This is a good point in that wealth can often hide disordered behaviour. Are you saying that more people with money are suffering the same symptoms but not having the same outcomes so they get missed?
GlvMstr t1_j7utlpd wrote
But remember guys, money doesn't buy happiness!
[deleted] t1_j7uu2we wrote
Kelevra29 t1_j7uwv77 wrote
In some cases, absolutely. There may be lower incidence of isolated depression or anxiety, but a lot of mental illnesses are hereditary rather than strictly environmental.
I'm autistic, and i had no idea until i was 26. When i was a kid, my executive dysfunction wasn't a problem because i had my family to rely on. I never had to worry about money because of scholarships and grants for school, so my dysfunction only came out as procrastination in school. Now that I'm an adult and trying to take care of myself, it's coming out in the inability to keep my apartment in shape or feed myself. All of my energy goes into my job and there's very little left over for basic life tasks. If i had money, i may still not know because i wouldn't have to worry about cooking or cleaning or anything beyond work as it is. I could pay someone to make phone calls and appointments for me. Most of my dysfunction wouldn't be apparent if i had someone else helping me.
So i definitely think certain symptoms or disorders can go unnoticed in wealthy people even though they do still experience the disorder itself.
amos106 t1_j7uzpof wrote
Grew up in a rust belt-ish town and watched the industry leave and the prescription opiods move in to replace them. The local hospital had to cut back it's services because the tax base disappeared, that included mental health, but the "non-addictive" pills dulled the pain at first. Money got tight really quick once 2008 rolled around since the jobs were scarce and housing equity dried up. Take a wild guess which way my town swung in the 2016 election. Honestly had nothing to do with the policies and platform, people just wanted an outlet for anger and frustration.
[deleted] t1_j7v0puj wrote
[deleted] t1_j7v16nt wrote
SerialStateLineXer t1_j7v1k9e wrote
Other way around. Better mental health contributes to higher educational attainment and to not having to struggle to put a roof over your head.
FraseraSpeciosa t1_j7v29kg wrote
Yup I am in a near identical position to you albeit a few years younger. I have the terrible stress side affect of expecting everything to come crashing down as soon as I make any positive progress on anything. So yeah, I can be making strides, life going great and then boom I get a massive wave of anxiety of how I can’t possibly deserve this break, of how it’s god playing a trick on me and it’ll come crashing down. And like the house of cards that my life is, when I start having these thoughts, life does come crashing down and then I have to crawl myself out of the pits of depression only to have the cycle repeat itself. I’m poor, I don’t have a doctor, can’t afford even a dentist, I have a house only because my mom takes pity on me. I have no income, no job, major mental health disorders. I really don’t know how to escape and have some semblance of normal life.
amos106 t1_j7v3u9u wrote
Human beings are incredible at their ability to adapt and persist through struggle. The struggle isn't the issue, it's struggle without any reward. Parents work their fingers to the bone on a daily basis in order to give their children opportunities, and they're often content with that path as long as their kids have the chance to do better.
The flip side is what happens to society when things are structured in a way that makes improvement impossible? Individually that may manifest itself as a mental health problem, but what happens when the majority of people start to struggle with these same issues?
thecrgm t1_j7va61y wrote
Really because it seems like all my rich friends have 5 prescriptions for adhd, depression, anxiety, bi-polar, etc. Most medicated people I’ve ever seen
Bama_Peach t1_j7vephb wrote
Thank you. I am forever grateful for that friend who used her leverage to allow me to get a foot in the door.
Bama_Peach t1_j7vev2j wrote
Agreed and I stand corrected.
grambell789 t1_j7vf2d1 wrote
yeah. I feel like i have endless loops of thought going through my brain trying to figure out how to minimize costs. it takes a toll after a while.
[deleted] t1_j7vf6u0 wrote
Megumin_xx t1_j7vjxbi wrote
Feel ya buddy, I really dont know what really helps at this point. Everything has down sides etc so theres no perfect solution. Only thing I have noticed is that over the years it gets somewhat better cuz u just get used to it. Having caring friends or relatives help for sure. Stay strong buddy, you are not alone, we are unfortunately many.
d3vrandom t1_j7vkmcj wrote
It's from finland where healthcare is free
grimgoods t1_j7vm3x6 wrote
Money does, it seem, buy happiness
[deleted] t1_j7vppq4 wrote
bwaslo t1_j7vtx7u wrote
Not to mention lead paint poisoning
[deleted] t1_j7vwkzi wrote
inyourgenes t1_j7w2gch wrote
The opposite actually - the genetic predisposition for mental illness can’t weed itself out of the population unless it onsets before being passed on. If the predisposition is passed on and then fully manifests, then there’s a scenario where offspring grow up with both the genetic predisposition and in potentially a less-optimal environment resulting from the parent’s mental illness
[deleted] t1_j7wft98 wrote
insaneintheblain t1_j7wg1lg wrote
Just different disorders - the ones which are useful to economic function aren't diagnosed / named where those which aren't are.
Who decides this distinction?
PlayShtupidGames t1_j7wh48b wrote
>The opposite actually - the genetic predisposition for mental illness can’t weed itself out of the population unless it onsets before being passed on
This is a restating of my point; I'm not sure why you're suggesting I said the opposite. Please re-read my comment in context.
If the illness does not affect mating, i.e. manifests AFTER breeding, it will not be selected out. The illness has to manifest or become apparent early enough to impact mate selection or reproductive fitness to be selected against.
Advanced-Depth1816 t1_j7wxk3w wrote
I’ve thought about this for a while. It’s nice to at least see more studies on the subject
OrdinaryLunch t1_j7x84f7 wrote
This guy understands economy.
[deleted] t1_j7xxkz7 wrote
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