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t1_j7u82bo wrote

Perhaps my understanding is not correct? Have we not essentially figured out that the increasing frequency of food related allergies is related to the topical application of food derivative proteins in a largely functionless manner in cosmetic and cleaning products? Baby body encounters new protein in wrong context (like peanut derivatives in a skin cream), arranges immune reaction, then later deploys that reaction when the child finally gets around to eating that thing rather than having it rubbed on its skin?

Is that model not well enough validated, or is my understanding flawed?

If this is the major contributor, isn't this an easily soluble phenomenon by subtraction, rather than addition?

Example sources:

And similar citations


t1_j7uaebi wrote

Source for this? I was born with lots of allergies tested very soon after birth and they faded over time, the opposite of what the above theory would suggest.


t1_j7uuvot wrote

I added example citations. You can find more with a similar search string, like 'topical proteins food allergy theory', which is what I just used.


t1_j7vf6p0 wrote

If you search for your own bias you usually confirm own bias. Soo you're going to only find articles that support your view with a search string like that.


t1_j7vf33s wrote

It seems like allergic reactions are far too varied to explain with one grand theory like this. It's more likely a list of causes ranked in order of occurrence or such, not just one main cause.

So SURE maybe there is some correlation with use of food in other products, but to assume that's the one big cause that causes all food allergies would be a massive leap of faith more than anything science would support.


t1_j7va8hf wrote

it's the first I am hearing of your theory..


t1_j7vfh9t wrote

It seems suspiciously like one explanation to RULE THEM ALL to me, a common theme for the human mind, but not so much a good way to do science.