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theeldertriforce t1_j86jslc wrote

“Sometimes people aren’t honest with themselves on their goals.”

This is a gut punch.

I would only add that they aren’t dishonest purposefully. Sometimes you think it is a goal until you reach that place and realize it’s not for you.


Mogli_Puff t1_j86t14l wrote

Dammit. Me as soon as I was an engineer. Hated it....but becoming an engineer was like a life goal of mine. Still working on changing gears.


SubiLou t1_j88rr6i wrote

There are many different types of careers in engineering. I found that I hate field support (emergently fixing broken crap), but love tech writing. Some weird people love quality assurance and compliance, while others love equipment design and training. I hope you get (or got) the chance to try out different options before you leave engineering all together.


Just_Tana t1_j86nq0p wrote

Oh for sure. No one lies to themselves on purpose, except republican voters. But besides that.