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millahhhh t1_ja35o8b wrote

Don't love the title here, the connection between IBS and mental health has been understood for a while, it's even been in the treatment guidelines (Rome) since like 2015. This may be a slight refinement or deeper characterization (as most research is), but the title implies some sort of revelation when it clearly is not


SaltZookeepergame691 t1_ja3m41n wrote

Right, title is crap. The paper itself cites lots of earlier studies and papers reporting on the links.


amitchellcoach t1_ja5zbaz wrote

Agreed. Also, as Dr. Michael Gershon points out in his book ‘the second brain’ living with irritable bowl disease is likely to make someone anxious, depressed, and perhaps suicidal depending on severity. It’s important not to read too much into the connection without proposed mechanisms of modulation.