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SomethingClever42068 t1_jadwyd3 wrote

Check out S.A.F.E. instead.

If it were AA or nothing for me I'd still be drinking a liter + of vodka a day.

I guess I'm not a complete success, since I drink one night a week (and never until I'm black out drunk)

But it's been over 1600 days since I've drank daily so it's a win in my book.

Edit: S.M.A.R.T. not safe.

My bad guys.


altcastle t1_jadz5ae wrote

Why once a week? Just need that day to look forward to? Once I quit after a decade + of drinking a precise but heavy amount nightly, I just put it behind me besides a random drink if I’m at dinner celebrating very rarely.

I think if I kept anything around, I’d go back to my old ways.