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BadAtExisting t1_ja0ead9 wrote

In 2020 when my industry went on pause I got sick of trying to get in touch with unemployment and applied to and worked at a grocery store instead. This is absolutely no surprising. The computer “training” for proper lifting techniques isn’t really adequate. No one is going to call you out if you pick something up using your back. On top of all that the computer “training” I got for the store’s forklift “certification” was a joke and my “practical” test was the manager watching while I put a pallet on a top rack. I have a forklift driver’s certification for my industry where I spent a couple hours in a classroom with a certified instructor followed by a written test then a forklift driving course practical hands on training and test before getting that cert. The forklift drivers at the grocery store whipped those things around like they were playing grand theft auto and there were many near misses with humans, a couple racks were destroyed and without fail once a week a pallet would come crashing down because someone would be driving with the load too high and stop fast enough for a lighter one to slide on the forks, or same but with a pallet that was stacked too high to begin with and the load would break the wrap and fall all over the place. It was an interesting few months