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Flying_Dutchman92 t1_jaijt6l wrote

Thankfully, mine isn't. It just stays on the same level, volume wise, though it might shift pitch compared to how baked I am.


Deejmiester t1_jaixgbt wrote

Different note in each ear. One significantly higher in pitch than the other. It reminds me of the noise an old tube powered tv would make just after switching it on.


Azraelalpha t1_jajz0ug wrote

This but at a deafening volume if I have no background sounds around me.


Cheeseisextra t1_jamc5kr wrote

Same here. I can’t even hear the tv anymore. I also can’t tell when the AC/heater fan in my house is blowing.


bigredgaboy t1_jalwos9 wrote

Exactly how I describe my tinnitus. If there is room noise it is not noticeable but in a quiet room, almost unbearable.