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SparkyDogPants t1_jb6674f wrote

Wdym about donkeys? Most are the same size as horses today


A_Harmless_Fly t1_jb6attn wrote

Sure you aren't thinking of mules?


Nolsoth t1_jb8msph wrote

I've seen some big bloody donkeys ( bigger than a pony) but that's probably more due to genetic trait selection over the last couple thousand years


Jamma-Lam t1_jb6amn4 wrote

All these domestic animals were much smaller before we genetically selected for larger and larger animals which took hundreds of not thousands of years to get giant horses like Clydesdales.


tossawaybb t1_jb6lqzf wrote

Just a couple hundred really. Selective breeding is typically quite quick, as evidenced by the English bulldog. Wasn't that long ago they were just a little shorter and stouter than regular dogs