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Mississimia t1_jbam2ma wrote

>Many of the gluten-free products contained more unsaturated lipids (or harmful fats) than gluten-containing ones, they were lower in fibre, and their salt and protein content needed to be monitored.

I have celiac disease and have anecdotally observed this. A bread recipe using wheat flour is so simple, mostly flour and water and yeast. A gluten free bread recipe often includes far more butter/oil, and sometimes 6+ eggs.

But because the bread is so different, one tends to consume far less of it.


Technical_Sir_9588 t1_jba3hvg wrote

That's good news. I developed a wheat allergy in the last few years. [While I'm still technically undiagnosed the sxs are obvious soon after eating anything with wheat - nasal congestion, tingling in UEs and LEs, itching/burning skin, occasional diarrhea, malaise, you name it.] The more gluten-free options, the better. On a side note, Freschetta's gluten free pizza is the best. It's pricy but even my kids who do not like anything gluten-free can't tell the difference.


saycoolwhiip t1_jbag5e2 wrote

Sabatasso’s brand (I buy at Costco) sells a box of 3 GF pizzas for the same price as the one Freschetta and tastes great too.

Our whole family has adapted to eating less wheat products to accommodate one wheat allergy and I truly feel we’re healthier for it.


[deleted] t1_jbblh64 wrote



Mississimia t1_jbf4o85 wrote

I don't think the Caputo flour is safe for people with a wheat allergy bc it contains wheat starch


jaogiz t1_jbega9w wrote

I have also developed a wheat intolerance in the last year-plus, with the same symptoms, more or less. The insane itching is what got me to say “Something is wrong here.”

The gluten-free pizza from Dominos did not give me the tummy-snakes, so that is a good treat sometimes. It really opens your eyes to the prevalence of wheat, especially in fast food (essentially all of it). If you’ve traveled somewhere and need a snack or meal it’s difficult to find things. I eat lots of beef jerky and potato/corn chips now if I’m away from the house. I’ve lost 15+ lbs, though, so that’s neat!


wsclose t1_jbay6vy wrote

I can tell you that the "gluten free" products have gotten a lot better. My grandmother was diagnosed with celiac in the late 90s early 2000s and her food choices sucked. She lived off of rice crackers and peanut butter for a while, while her doctors worked on a safe foods list. My mother in law also has celiac and what she can eat now is so much better than what was available 20 years ago.

Anyone who has a close family member with celiac should get tested every few year to make sure you don't have it yourself. It's hereditary and often is diagnosed later in life. A celiac blood panel should include total IgA and tissue transglutaminase IgA (tTG IgA) while eating a normal diet.


CU66LES t1_jbds0gi wrote

Interesting what you mentioned about your grandmother, I often hear of people not knowing what to eat when diagnosed and struggling to make this work eating with other family members.

If it's of any consolation, cooking nice gf meals also for non gf people requires practice but is very possible.


AutoModerator t1_jb9uiq1 wrote

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Cultural-Command3046 t1_jbbyb9o wrote

Interesting! How much of an increase did the researchers observe?


Zero_Idol t1_jbbz3rd wrote

When I was GF, I noticed this as well


CU66LES t1_jbdqp8h wrote

I'm surprised this article doesn't mention that often gf products have a significantly higher amount of sugar in it.


[deleted] t1_jb9w301 wrote



Bubbagumpredditor t1_jb9ym9c wrote

Do you think wheat is fake?

And you realize air frying your food counts as processing it?

Is grass seed not ground to a powder good for you?

What makes that different than any of her seed.

For that matters what's the difference between grinding the seeds to a powder and chewing your food?

This is satire level nonsense.


bigboyeTim t1_jba0feg wrote

Damn, you saw his reply and decided to respond with critique on semantics. Airfried food is not meaningfuly similar to processed foods.


Bubbagumpredditor t1_jba1j52 wrote

Cooking isn't processing?


a_trane13 t1_jba2t83 wrote

No, the term “processed food” and cooking method are referring to entirely different things.


bigboyeTim t1_jba32vn wrote

Not meaningfuly so in this context, no. Processed foods usually refer to food that has sugar, salt or fat added. The guy is also clearly talking in context of bad processed food too, it goes unmentioned.


PM_ME_GAY_STUF t1_jbaf3hn wrote

>Processed foods usually refer to food that has sugar, salt, or fat added

If that doesn't sound like cooking to you then you're probably not a great cook


bigboyeTim t1_jbag779 wrote

On the semantics again, ignoring the obvious context and common meaning of the term. Nobody talking about processed food means a salted egg. It's used to refer to overly - processed foods, such as McDonald's or chicken nuggets, etc.


PM_ME_GAY_STUF t1_jbahfpa wrote

The OP comment is deleted, there is no context to be had. But if you want to avoid getting into semantic arguments, maybe use better semantics that mean what you actually mean? Like, "high sodium", "high fat", "high sugar", "unhealthy", etc. Because "processed" falls apart really quickly.

>"Everyone knows X means Y"

>multiple people think X means both Y and Z

>"No shut up, everyone knows X means Y"

I can make chicken nuggets at home with ground chicken, eggs, and panko, and they have decent macros btw. McDonalds ones aren't that bad either.


mrlolloran t1_jbb6ox3 wrote

Really? No context? What about the comment Bubbagump made where he said “cooking isn’t processing?”

Just because you came in way after the fact doesn’t mean there isn’t sufficient context to at least cast doubt on what you thought they meant.