PM_ME_GAY_STUF t1_jbahfpa wrote

The OP comment is deleted, there is no context to be had. But if you want to avoid getting into semantic arguments, maybe use better semantics that mean what you actually mean? Like, "high sodium", "high fat", "high sugar", "unhealthy", etc. Because "processed" falls apart really quickly.

>"Everyone knows X means Y"

>multiple people think X means both Y and Z

>"No shut up, everyone knows X means Y"

I can make chicken nuggets at home with ground chicken, eggs, and panko, and they have decent macros btw. McDonalds ones aren't that bad either.


PM_ME_GAY_STUF t1_jbaf3hn wrote


PM_ME_GAY_STUF t1_j85vf9d wrote

I'm sorry, isn't this just how ML models are implemented?

I'm sure there's real work being done here, but this article reads like the researcher started giving the reporter a high level overview of how their model works and the reporter immediately yelled "That's an amazing discovery!" and ran out of the room before they even started describing their research