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t1_jeeocle wrote

The murder rate in the 1920’s was the highest in American history which led to social security and a “safety net,” because society was unstable in the extreme.

With inequality hitting near those records once again, no hope for the poor, and the tools which get one out of poverty are more expensive than ever - it’s no mystery why people are drowning in misery.

The easy solution is the only one Republicans and Obama democrats didn’t want when they had the chance: ban weapons of war from the streets and limit guns. Allow muskets only as the founders, framers, and writers of the constitution intended.


t1_jeep0ne wrote

If inequality is the problem why not address that? Medicare for all, higher minimum wage, better retirement, guaranteed time off and maternity leave would close wealth gap. Banning guns only allows more power to the people that have power already, ie: the rich and politicians will not get rid of their / private securitys guns