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robothelvete t1_jbek2fc wrote

How is that different from basically any other meat?


[deleted] t1_jbenz1z wrote



robothelvete t1_jbeuxvg wrote

> Most people I know who eat meat still have a moral qualm with lamb

Really? That's not an experience I share. Have they ever wondered why it's called "chicken" and not "hen" or "rooster"?


[deleted] t1_jbf09vx wrote



robothelvete t1_jbf55sw wrote

Is it? English isn't my native language and this is one of many weird things about it I didn't know.

Anyway, my point is: all we eat is essentially juveniles, no matter what we call it.


CheesyDutch t1_jbgx87c wrote

But is it really always meat from baby sheep? In my native language we call it 'sheep meat'.

I've also visited a farm where they slaughtered their own sheep and that was an animal that was a couple of years old. I must admit that I found the taste of that meat pretty strong and not so pleasant but I'm generally not really into lamb anyway.


killercurvesahead t1_jbihvmj wrote

In English the young animal and its meat are both called lamb, but the mature animal is a sheep and its meat is called mutton.