UterineTemple t1_jbbxkma wrote
I have a strong suspicion that anyone who prioritizes taking care of themselves is likely going to be healthier than those that don’t. So don’t hoard mouthwash just yet.
CardiOMG t1_jbc83js wrote
Also it said mouthwash didn’t make a difference on top of just having good oral hygiene
UterineTemple t1_jbcvf49 wrote
True, but a headline can trigger a hoarding response in anybody these days. I would love to see more research on that strange phenomenon.
SemanticTriangle t1_jbdadh6 wrote
Dental hygiene companies reached saturation with toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss, so created a new pointless product to sell. It gave people oral cancer.
That's the strange phenomenon explained. If you need to wash your mouth out, salt water or even just water will do.
heeywewantsomenewday t1_jbe38v2 wrote
My new toothbrush gives me a map of my mouth and shows where i'm missing with my brushing. best thing that improved my oral hygiene
Daddyssillypuppy t1_jbe5j1r wrote
What space age toothbrush is this?
heeywewantsomenewday t1_jbebw4k wrote
I think off the top of my head it's an oral b io6.. i think there are even more advanced ones io8 io9.
iwasuncoolonce t1_jbef3as wrote
Oral-b io6 is the first one in the line that will pair with the app it's about $120 I have one
[deleted] t1_jbejsx4 wrote
classactdynamo t1_jbdr0x3 wrote
Wait, what? I did not know about this. Could you please elaborate?
[deleted] t1_jbe9pmk wrote
cookiedux t1_jben40g wrote
Gingivitis is a major risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis.
I think the reason oral health is so crucial is because your teeth are connected to your bloodstream for nourishment (at least if they are vital teeth) and it’s extremely easy for bacteria etc in your mouth to enter your bloodstream directly. That’s a unique situation compared to other places on your body.
You can get all kinds of cardiovascular viruses/infections this way. My uncle got pericarditis this way.
If you have an abscessed tooth, treating it quickly is extremely important. An abscessed tooth can give you sepsis very quickly.
Anyway, only tangentially related, but there are a lot of anatomical issues that make your oral health really crucial to your overall health.
4_spotted_zebras t1_jbek7jg wrote
Drug store Mouthwash kills all the bacteria in your mouth - good and bad. We need that good bacteria to keep our teeth and mouth healthy.
[deleted] t1_jbesufg wrote
dnyal t1_jbd0ys3 wrote
Still, 50% is significant. A lot of studies have already found connections between periodontal disease and CV and dementia risk.
[deleted] t1_jbdzuw9 wrote
nyet-marionetka t1_jbe0dyo wrote
I think there’s more to it than that. Very bad dental hygiene has a risk of endocarditis. Bacteria can enter the bloodstream through damaged mucosa in the mouth and colonize heart valves. I’ve seen it proposed for years now that this happening to a lesser extent can contribute to systemic inflammation that contributes to cardiovascular disease.
Edit: Also the study found mouthwash itself doesn’t do a damn thing.
Nayir1 t1_jbecdq9 wrote
As to the edit, what we mean by 'mouthwash' kind of matters. Like certain types of bacterial infection can be exacerbated by Listerine and the like, where cheap as dirt hydrogen peroxide or simple salt water can be beneficial.
[deleted] t1_jbefbsy wrote
[deleted] t1_jbe53ya wrote
TheWoodConsultant t1_jbd1jia wrote
Yeah it’s not randomized control trial; correlation is not causality
GlobularLobule t1_jbe2o81 wrote
Probably that's broadly true, but I know my dad is obsessed with oral hygiene (to the point he'll randomly text me or my sister and be like 'remember to floss!') But he's sedentary, obese, drinks too much, and eats a high salt, high saturated fat diet. So there are definitely cases where oral hygiene isn't indicative of general self- care and wellness.
RunsWithApes t1_jbfc5cr wrote
Doc here - There is also a direct correlation hence why it is a requirement prior to surgery (especially in cardiology and orthopedics) for the patients to be cleared of all dental infections. We've known this for awhile now.
overflowingsunset t1_jbebb4x wrote
They adjusted for dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, and smoking.
[deleted] t1_jbeiswp wrote
[deleted] t1_jbc1jgr wrote
[deleted] t1_jbcts1d wrote
[deleted] t1_jbd9d6i wrote
[deleted] t1_jbdmzws wrote
[deleted] t1_jbe3yn7 wrote
Gstamsharp t1_jbes0zz wrote
Yeah this doesn't seem causal.
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