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Specialist_Carrot_48 t1_jdgnsad wrote

CBD inhibits the negative effects of THC. but also makes it more difficult to get "stoned". CBD keeps the paranoia away, and stop down regulation of CB1 receptors through it's antagonist qualities increases andamide. You don't "need" thc for CBD to work, they are incorrect. Mixing with CBG, CBC, CBT, CBN and a little DMSO if it is used topically and you have a powerful mood boosting system wide antinflammatory. I put it on my rosacea and take it orally. Works pretty well, but it's just another piece to this puzzle of health I'm chasing.


FieldSton-ie_Filler t1_jdhqbd0 wrote

This is is the right comment.

Ultra broad spectrum works super well. Thc helps, but you do not need it to reap the benefits.