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Darwins_Dog t1_jdxxmuh wrote

Most of the time I see accusations of corruption here, it's completely baseless. Affiliations and funding are public and have to be reported in the publication. Big Whoever is not buying out associate professors at state schools to publish in low impact journals.

Being skeptical means reading the article and evaluating it's merits. People seem to think it means rejecting everything by default, then looking for reasons to justify the assumption.


Sparkysparkysparks t1_jdzc1eq wrote

Yeah - throwing out allegations of corruption should be done very cautiously. Yet you often see people on this sub accusing scientists of corruption, sadly without even reading and understanding the study.

And I strongly doubt many people who have accused the scientists of corruption have contacted the editors because deep down they know their accusations are spurious. I can only imagine how these authors feel when reading this sub....