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kaqemix t1_jdfl9bs wrote

Pure speculation here. I wonder if some anxieties arise from gut dysbiosis or other issues as a mechanism to warn that things are wrong and changes need to be made.


angelicasinensis t1_jdfs1xc wrote

This is what I believe! I think anxiety is a symptom and not an issue in itself- now I’m healing my gut issues (SIBO and dysbiosis) my anxiety is like better everyday - haven’t had a panic attack in months and I almost feel normal after pretty severe anxiety and borderline agoraphobia. Pretty nice.


WeenieHutJunior- t1_jdfvdr9 wrote

Hi I’m curious to know what has helped heal your gut?


angelicasinensis t1_jdfxcaf wrote

Quit alcohol and coffee, went on a low FODMAP diet and am doing two months of herbal antimicrobials followed by two months of glucosamine and N acetyl glucosamine and targeted probiotics. I am also taking supplements to help my body create more bile to help digestion (herbal bitters and tumeric.) I did the GI Map test to figure out what was up with my microbiome and other things - learned I have SIBO, dysbiosis and a gluten allergy.


germanthoughts t1_jdgfe8e wrote

Can you tell me more about the GI map test? What does it do and how does it help diagnose what may be wrong?

I always had bloating issues (I fart an INSANE amount after I eat) and also have anxiety. So I would love to start looking into this.


kabre t1_jdg7be0 wrote

Purely anecdotal, but my anxiety and depression are both much easier to manage when I'm taking the good probiotics. Not a silver bullet by any means, but a piece of the puzzle.