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aqa5 t1_jbsjunf wrote

ok, so now we know who invented it and which persons it might help. But how does it look like, how does it work? The article costs $30...


MedicalJargon-itis t1_jbsz8uo wrote

It's called a hand-free positive airway pressure device, so my guess is it mimics pursed lip breathing. It probably functions like if you exhaled through a straw (probably larger diameter than a drinking straw), but had a valve so you can breathe in unrestricted. I'm guessing it fits like a mask, hence the hands-free part.

That exhaling against resistance helps stent open the terminal bronchioles to allow CO2 to more effectively escape. We'll often coach patients to "smell the flowers, blow out the candles" for a breathing exercise to do this same thing. Breathing out through pursed lips creates "auto-PEEP" or auto Positive End Expiratory Pressure.

I would point out that when they're talking about exertion, it's not referring to jogging. Advanced and end-stage COPD folks get trouble breathing with simply walking to their car or to the bathroom. Many need walkers or canes, so having a hands-free device would indeed be important.


ManJesusPreaches t1_jbvho0q wrote

So I actually have one of these one the way (recommended to me by my doc for anxiety, though), and will try to remember to report back how it functions.


ManJesusPreaches t1_jcglfaz wrote

Reporting back as promised. It definitely helps control and slow breathing during anxious moments. I'm actually kind of impressed with how effective it is. Keeping breathing slow is usually really difficult for someone in the midst/verge of a panic attack. This device definitely helps.


wolf_bird_nomad t1_jbta22a wrote

Just search PEP Buddy. They have a website that sells them and explains the tech.