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LiteralSymbolism t1_jbxo7qq wrote

Great ELI5, but I think you may have gotten those backwards? I’ve been trying to figure it out, but check this part of the paper:

“…with stimuli presented at diastole judged, on average, 9 ms longer (M = 305, SD = 25) than those at systole (M = 314, SD = 26).”

I think this saying in diastole (when the heart is beating), the time the participant felt an image was up was 9ms longer than when the heart wasn’t beating, and I would interpret that as time “expanding” since you feel like you’re spending a longer amount of time looking at a stimulus than you really are. Maybe this is just confusion about time “expanding” vs “contracting”.

Anyway, cool theory!


fatsynatsy t1_jc0lelb wrote

Diastole is the phase where the heart is relaxing/filling


-downtone_ t1_jbyd3e4 wrote

That's what I thought at first but the time perception wiki states this: > Tachypsychia is a neurological condition that alters the perception of time, usually induced by physical exertion, drug use, or a traumatic event. For someone affected by tachypsychia, time perceived by the individual either lengthens, making events appear to slow down,[83] or contracts, with objects appearing as moving in a speeding blur.[84][85]

I'd say they need to be more descriptive because the language is not consistent it appears. I think it should be consistent. Thanks for looking at that if that's the case.