AllanfromWales1 t1_jdgxpho wrote
The article doesn't make clear (as far as I can see) whether this filtration system is a once-through system which needs to be replaced once used up, or whether there is a technique for replenishing the filter to allow continuing or multiple uses. Single-use filters can be a problem as you end up replacing one pollutant with another (the used filter).
Professor_Snarf t1_jdhmpjf wrote
Also, once removed where do the pollutants go?
daemonflame t1_jdhq5l5 wrote
Back in the river.
warmpudgy t1_jdhtjn5 wrote
Catch and release.
Pyrhan t1_jdic3h7 wrote
A cellulose filter loaded with organic dyes is very easy to incinerate, converting it all to CO2 and water.
As long as no organochlorine compounds or heavy metals are present, it should not pose an issue.
infinitealchemics t1_jdid9as wrote
As someone who works in waste incineration you are right. It'd be added into the burning process or at least dumped to a lined chemical waste disposal facility.
doomboy667 t1_jdissf1 wrote
My SO was just talking about this sort of system the other day. It's being test piloted at a few different manufacturing facilities for removal of different kinds of chemicals. They work for an environmental contracting company and they just got the greenlight to set one up. From what I hear it's pretty neat and stands to be the next big thing in wastewater treatment.
[deleted] t1_jditv44 wrote
YouAreGenuinelyDumb t1_jdhtmy7 wrote
It looks like the cellulose is supposed to grab the dyes out of the water, and the exposure to sunlight is supposed to break them down. Whether they exfiltrate after breaking down, nor whether those degradation products are safe, isn’t clear.
If it does exfiltrate and it is safe, it seems pretty low waste, though. Otherwise, you would probably have to either swap the filters or recharge with fresh cellulose (and incinerate the old cellulose).
northbathroom t1_jdih1g4 wrote
I also tend to always question whether a sunlight solution can be industrialized to scale due to the processing time required.
YouAreGenuinelyDumb t1_jdiivjq wrote
I think these are supposed to be used at the point of waste generation rather than a waste processing facility.
Plus, if you know the binding capacity of the filter and the concentration of dye, you could simply use multiple filters and swap them after a set volume. Once the used filter is removed, you can probably leave them in the sun until it’s ready to be disposed. A low cost makes this pretty viable.
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