Professionalarsonist t1_jcasgmp wrote
Reply to comment by grantnel2002 in Twitter conspiracy theories during the pandemic involving Bill Gates. The study found what is most concerning is the speed and rapid spread of bot use to unforeseen areas. Researchers are just beginning to get a glimpse of issues and concerns that will result from this technology by Wagamaga
My cousin from Ghana came to visit my family in the US a year ago. I honestly thought these conspiracies were just a joke until I picked him up from the airport. Conversation went like this:
Him: “Hey man, are you vaccinated? I’ve been thinking about doing it”
Me: “Yeah, you should do it. I think it’s available everywhere now”
Him: “idk man…I’m iffy about it, have you heard of bill gates?”
Him: “Well you know how he made computer viruses and then sold antivirus software?”
Me: “I think I’ve heard that theory once….”
He did not embellish on this point any further. He just sat there smugly acting like he had cracked the case. I was blown away. He’s aggressively uneducated. Like I don’t think I’ve ever met a more uneducated person in my life and it has nothing to do with being from Ghana. His sister is a freaking doctor. But it was my first real world glimpse into that group and I get the people that peddle this narrative now.
user_dan t1_jcaz9yr wrote
The magical or hierarchical thinker is very aware how their opinion is not accepted by the mainstream. It is a strategy to open with some kind of "I just have questions" statement to test the waters. If it fails, they pull back. If is is accepted, they open up a little more and repeat. Once they think you are "cool", they will dump their real opinion. The real opinion is usually very extreme.
Although you may think the conspiracy is crazy or your cousin is "aggressively uneducated", he is demonstrating quite a bit of executive function and planning. This is not crazy person behavior. It is predictable. It makes them great targets for political messaging and advertising campaigns.
someelephantsforget t1_jcc1woy wrote
I think in there would be the difference. I agree that they're not necessarily stupid or anything but, as im sure you're well aware, a good part of higher education is about comparing, contrasting, critiquing sources of information and compiling that into something to be marked by someone who has shown a sufficient skill in being able to to that aswell.
So, in general terms and not necessarily OPs cousin, I think uneducated is part of it and it does seem to the a recurring theme in the conspiracy type. I think it has to come with being at least just smart enough to be dangerous, often smarter, but also a with kind of arrogance and narcissism to convince themselves they know better about all these very in-depth subjects than virtually all the experts.
Although, some of them full on know its not true. The trouble is, theyre too far into the "big lie" now. So much of their personality is caught up in it, they could never back down, no matter what.
[deleted] t1_jcc74ik wrote
gabbertr0n t1_jcf42fr wrote
I’m interested in this term ‘hierarchical thinking’ and I see you paired it with magical thinking - I’m keen to understand these terms more, in relation to the conspiracy theorists we are discussing - if you would be so kind to explain, thank you.
Ferengi_Earwax t1_jcby89l wrote
Conspiracy theories bring comfort to people who are suffering from anxiety induced from the chaotic, random world we live in.
It allows them to cleverly self delude themselves into thinking they are actually incredibly smart. They now have the "truth". It makes them feel special. Once a person then is surrounded by others who also know the "truth", they form relationships that always reinforce their flawed beliefs. This is why it's incredibly difficult to bring a person back to reality after they've bought into conspiracy theories. You're taking away they're percieved uniqueness and in most cases, social circles. Any attempt to do this usually results in that person hiding inside the delusion even further. The person trying to help doesn't know the "truth" so how can they be right about anything else?
Conspiracy theories, misinformation, and propaganda has devastated my country. It caused thousands of Americans to try and over throw our govt. All based on easily verifiable lies.
grantnel2002 t1_jcatjmt wrote
I’m sorry you also had to go through this. It’s not easy to deal with.
Professionalarsonist t1_jcay3jr wrote
Eh it’s fine. It was more funny than anything. No one in our family takes his opinions seriously.
FiendishHawk t1_jcdpcc7 wrote
His vote is as good as anyone else’s… at least he’s not voting in the USA!
pale_blue_dots t1_jcayo89 wrote
Lack of education driving much of the problems in the world - story as old as time, I guess.
oakteaphone t1_jcc0inr wrote
Even if that were true, the virus would do bad things to your computer.
If the antivirus software were free (it wasn't back then), I'd rather have the antivirus software than the virus...
Scarlet109 t1_jcd0m51 wrote
Does he think a physical virus is the same as a computer virus…?
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