Absenceofavoid t1_jcb6h4g wrote
It’s beyond annoying because I think there are very legitimate reasons to criticize Gates, including the fact he appeared to treat his company like his personal Tinder, but I just can’t help but shoot down the conspiracy nonsense which makes people think I approve of everything he does or am a fan boy.
These people get so swirled up in their fantasies of the good fight they miss actual opportunities to take up the good fight.
SephithDarknesse t1_jcebw4e wrote
Its amusing how much logic these people are willing to ignore to continue their fantasies, too. I keep hearing from my SO's parents that all australian weather is down to bill gates.
Its a little more than that, though. You're not really allowed to go against the grain anywhere on reddits atm, else you'll be crudely accused of being a fanboy, no matter how much logic you produce. This is just people in general.
[deleted] t1_jcbjv76 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcd2796 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcdd9lk wrote
[deleted] t1_jce0zbo wrote
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