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Voices4Vaccines OP t1_jcjniwr wrote

I'm not a science journalist. I highlighted that detail because most of this information isn't new, as the authors note: "many of the cases of myocarditis or pericarditis were mild and required either no treatment or were managed conservatively with NSAIDs, similar to what has been reported in other studies."

What is actually new is the finding that many weren't hospitalized, and that those who were had a shorter duration than previously recorded: "Almost all episodes were seen in an emergency department, fewer than one-half of adolescents were admitted to hospital, and those who were hospitalized experienced a short length of stay (median duration: 1 day)."


Georgie___Best t1_jcksgd9 wrote

Why not take the study title and just include more information from the abstract?

The majority of myocarditis or pericarditis events after BNT162b2 vaccination in adolescents are mild and do not require hospitalisation.

Concise, accurate, and it isn't clickbait like the title you chose.


Voices4Vaccines OP t1_jcobosh wrote

I'm newer to Reddit, so if that would be preferred I'll take note. I didn't want to state it as fact, rather than study finds, because this study was fairly unique when compared to previous research.


Georgie___Best t1_jcoq1dq wrote

Don't stress about it too much - the fact that you actually linked the study and not some science journalism article puts you way ahead of 99% of posts I see on this sub.

It's good to be cautious when asserting things as factual, so you could definitely add "Study finds ...", but I personally think it makes it more wordy for information that is assumed when you're linking a paper directly.