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Lateralis85 t1_jct58f9 wrote

The evidence from rugby is that soft helmets ("scrum caps" in rugby) aren't effective at preventing injuries through impact, but preventing abrasions and cuts. So for concussions and sub-concussive impacts, scrum caps are of little value but they give the illusion of protection which encourages riskier behaviour.


praetorion999 t1_jctes2w wrote

Rugby is not like soccer. They don’t use headers on the ball either


Lateralis85 t1_jcth3dm wrote

I am well aware that rugby is not like soccer. I thought about putting something to that effect in my comment but thought it was plainly unnecessary.

My comment still stands. Soft scrum caps (or "helmets") are of no use against impacts, which a header is, but they give the illusion of safety which might encourage more headers and paradoxically make the situation worse.

If there is a problem with headers causing long-term injuries, the solution isn't a "soft helmet". That's the point.


praetorion999 t1_jctksyh wrote

You didn't give evidence for that. Just rugby which isn't comparable
