Hrmbee OP t1_jd3w54d wrote
From the abstract:
>To date, analog methods of cooking such as by grills, cooktops, stoves and microwaves have remained the world’s predominant cooking modalities. With the continual evolution of digital technologies, however, laser cooking and 3D food printing may present nutritious, convenient and cost-effective cooking opportunities. Food printing is an application of additive manufacturing that utilizes user-generated models to construct 3D shapes from edible food inks and laser cooking uses high-energy targeted light for high-resolution tailored heating. Using software to combine and cook ingredients allows a chef to more easily control the nutrient content of a meal, which could lead to healthier and more customized meals. With more emphasis on food safety following COVID-19, food prepared with less human handling may lower the risk of foodborne illness and disease transmission. Digital cooking technologies allow an end consumer to take more control of the macro and micro nutrients that they consume on a per meal basis and due to the rapid growth and potential benefits of 3D technology advancements, a 3D printer may become a staple home and industrial cooking device.
From the discussion:
>As digital cooking technologies become more ubiquitous, it is feasible that humankind will see the nutritional merits and drawbacks of having software-controlled assistants in the kitchen. 3D food printing has the potential to be the next frontier in cooking. Questions surrounding cost, ease of use and consumer acceptance will likely be top factors driving the trajectory of this technology. The spotlight shed on whole foods vs. processed foods for good health may influence consumers’ perception of this technology. However, with upcoming generations’ fascination with not only novel technologies, but also environmental sustainability and healthy eating, all of these are likely to influence the extent of adoption. Additionally, development of competing cooking technologies and advancements in nutrition science may come into play. An industry built around this technology may be on the horizon, creating a new vision of better nutrition, better food accessibility and palatability for many, increasing food safety and adding art and cutting-edge science to the most basic human need—nourishment.
There are some interesting possibilities here with regards to food production, but it seems that the likely outcome of these technologies, especially in the near-term, will be first at industrial scales. The details of these systems for home use will be critical: how proprietary the ingredients and recipes might be would be a key consideration.
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