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abe-health t1_iui84qq wrote

We conducted an epidemiological study of 611 older people aged 65 years and older and obtained the same data. People who have seen an improvement in physical functioning as measured by the SPPB test over 2.5 years have also seen an improvement in cognitive function as measured by the MMSE test. Unfortunately, this was an epidemiological study and we cannot say which improved first. However, the improvement in cognitive function with regular exercise can be explained in terms of physiological processes.

There is now increasing evidence that hearing correction in old age is also associated with cognitive improvement


CarmichaelD t1_iujr4hb wrote

Hearing correction? Do you mean hearing loss?


abe-health t1_iujsumy wrote

Yes, hearing loss is associated with a higher risk of cognitive decline. At the same time, hearing correction with hearing aids or surgical treatment leads to an improvement in cognitive functions.