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CrazyCatLushie t1_iu8r31c wrote

One person’s random, unsolicited advice versus the lived experience of a person with the disease in question. Not quite the same.


zyl0x t1_iu8sifw wrote

That's a long way of saying "anecdote". I just encouraged someone to do their own research. Are you saying they should just trust you?


CrazyCatLushie t1_iu8uwbl wrote

I’m saying the lived experiences of marginalized, disabled, and chronically ill people should be given some weight, yes. Certainly more weight than some person clearly advertising a specific clinic that peddles unproven methods for a completely different diagnosis.

Also, some more free emotional labour for you: disabled and chronically ill people are constantly accosted with unsolicited medical advice. This is a common experience and one that is not at all helpful.


zyl0x t1_iud50bw wrote

I am chronically ill and disabled, so I don't know why you think that all other chronically ill people must agree with you.


CrazyCatLushie t1_iud5dz2 wrote

I don’t think that and I never said I did. Since you’re so clearly dedicated to misunderstanding me, let’s go ahead and end this interaction, shall we? Have a nice day.


zyl0x t1_iud5mjh wrote

Give weight to the opinions of chronically ill people, except me, because I don't agree with your opinion. Yeah, have a good one.