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uncoolcentral t1_itj6xvm wrote

In addition to evidence presented by compelling studies I’ve seen firsthand that medical marijuana helps those suffering from several different ailments, but when I see that it is responsible for “fewer ER visits“ I also have to wonder…

Too stoned to get to the ER?

Too stoned to care about symptoms?


I mean, it’s a metric, I just wonder if there’s not a better metric.


hyenacry t1_itj7fcy wrote

I have either IBS or UC, and some days weed is the only thing that will dull the pain of my stomach and bowels long enough for me to even try to eat. I also can't eat without weed when I have a flare-up. It helps definitely


hyenacry t1_itj7lrb wrote

I have either IBS or UC, and some days weed is the only thing that will dull the pain of my stomach and bowels long enough for me to even try to eat. I also can't eat without weed when I have a flare-up. It helps definitely


uncoolcentral t1_itj7p6o wrote

I don’t question it even one bit.

I also don’t question that marijuana can take peoples minds off of what ails them sometimes.

ER visits is a metric. I don’t know what metric I would like more but I still don’t love it.


Just_Tana t1_itj8us7 wrote

It’s one of the few ailments in ohio you can get a medical card for


HomicidalChimpanzee t1_itjfpx1 wrote

Try a probiotic called Saccharomyces boulardii. It's actually a yeast, not a bacterium. I've been using it for weeks now and it makes a massive difference in my GI stability. It is unbelievable. I didn't have IBD, but did have IBS/"leaky gut" type symptoms for decades, so bad at one point that I thought it might be Chron's... and this stuff changed all that literally overnight. I have to think that it could do the same thing for IBD sufferers.


ISeeEverythingYouDo t1_itjnqe5 wrote

Wife has IBS. We are not cannabis users in any capacity. Would oils or would she have smoke mj?


Phallico666 t1_itjp8pq wrote

You could probably find some edibles, capsules or tinctures/creams that might help. Could also try vapourizing if she doesnt want to smoke as it is much less damage to the lungs. Depending on which ingredients are helpful she may be able to use CBD heavy strains which often gives the health benefits without getting high


yankeeinexile t1_itjpgh6 wrote

Diagnosed with IBD, before I started using cannabis I couldn't get through a normal meal without feeling intense nausea and inevitably the runs. I would have to leave dinners all the time, boxed leftovers 99% of the time.

Toke on something a few times before the meal and I can feel like a normal human the entire time, finish my meal, and feel fine afterwards. Have not had any results with CBD or anything other than real THC.

All self medicated sadly, my state has a long way to go before ever seeing medical and legitimizing something that's helped my life out a ton.


Sparkybear t1_itjq3pv wrote

This one study is showing that the improvements are significant enough to reduce ER visits, it's not the only study that's ever been done on the subject. There are other effects from past studies that have already been established, expecting all of them to be re-presented in a new study is nonsense.


Sparkybear t1_itjq7rw wrote

IBS and UC are different illnesses the can have similar symptoms. UC is fairly difficult to diagnose as it could be multiple other IBDs that just happen to be localised to the colon.


Sparkybear t1_itjqbw6 wrote

CBD oil is an option and it doesn't have the same level of feeling high, while still providing some benefit, compared to other methods. It's not totally high-proof, but it's much less impactful than smoking or eating or vaping.


artist2266 t1_itk537x wrote

Smoke it, vape it, eat it, drink it, etc. lots of options for consumption, and personally I’ve found that edibles in particular help my stomach problems. The medical in my state even has drinks and tinctures that are also real nice for them. I usually just smoke though because I also just wanna get high


southernmanchot t1_itk55e1 wrote

IBS and IBD are not the same thing.

IBD is a chronic inflammatory disease (mainly Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis).


thegreatestajax t1_itkcpo0 wrote

To clarify: this is a retrospective survey of IBD patients registered as medical cannabis users comparing their recollection of ED visits before and after they started using cannabis. Very far from a study of any meaningful level of evidence.


nadmaximus t1_itl0dxo wrote

So IBD has a protective effect versus medical cannabis. I'm not sure it's a worthwhile trade-off.


Andeyl t1_itlhgnv wrote

Do they allow someone with Acne Inversa (chronic skin condition) to receive a medical card?


KeepCuriousCo t1_itm3vcc wrote

I got diagnosed with Crohn’s about five years ago after losing a severe amount of weight over the course of a year and a half or so. Got down to below 120lbs for the first time since I was a teen. Really gnarly gut pains and I had to be very, very careful with what I ate. At a certain point, I stopped eating daily and probably didn’t eat an actual meal for stretches of up to a month at a time.

My girlfriend (now wife) urged me to try cannabis, despite her never having used it herself. I used to smoke when I was a teen, but swore it off after a bad experience when I was 19.

Once I started experimenting with different products to find out what worked, which did take a lot of trial and error (and a yachts worth of money we didn’t exactly have in Florida), I started eating more with less discomfort, and climbed slowly back to health.

I still have flare ups here and there, but I just adjust my diet accordingly and ride them out carefully. Some are worse than others, but those are much fewer and further between now. I’ve since moved from Florida (where I had a medical card) to Colorado partially due to availability, quality, legality, and price of products.

I understand that some people don’t have the same experience with it or it’s not as helpful, and I feel for them. For me, cannabis quite literally saved me from wasting away. And with a decent tolerance, I can get most of the positive benefits of it without much of a head change.


jezra t1_itmbx34 wrote

get out of here with this unpossible science, I have been assured over and over again by the US government that cannabis has zero medical benefits. zero.


FranticPonE t1_itn6xcw wrote

I was gonna spray in bathroom until I got high

I was gonna get constipation, but then I got high

Going to the ER all the time aint a thing no more, and I know why

Cause I got high, because I got high, because I got high


huh_phd t1_itna79f wrote

Fewer $3,200 dollar visits to be told to follow up with a GI.