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DrDumDums t1_iu06x7e wrote

It’s not a paywall, signup is free. You should read the article, it’s the largest ever study conducted on vitamin D levels. Your opinion does not align with that of the physician researchers who conducted that study.


merlinsbeers t1_iu0or67 wrote

My time isn't free nor is my email address. They may have asked the wrong questions.

Feel free to use your access to the article to excerpt quotes from it that contradict what I've said.

In particular, they need to say that vitamin D absorption and creation do not decline with age, and that daily doses in the 2000 to 5000-IU range are too high to fix that.

If they don't say that, then my opinion does not conflict with their study, or you didn't understand the study.

And even if they do say that it doesn't mean that they're right and I'm wrong. My opinion conflicts with a lot of "physician researchers" on a lot of topics. Quacks publish, too.