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davion223 t1_itx39wd wrote

you know at this point i think its a good thing people are dirty, greedy, mean and stupid if we all die the earth will heal and maybe give way for something better to evolve


Ralltir t1_itz9043 wrote

First the rats evolve but then they are too similar to us and nuke each other. Much later on the squid people emerge from the ocean.

Gluugsnerglug, the first squid on the moon 2973412.


Tigertotz_411 t1_iu00h9k wrote

The planet will be fine. Humanity won't be.

We will lose our biodiversity, I suspect in the region of 90%. But there will always be organisms that can adapt. There's not a chance humanity will adapt fast enough. We haven't been here long enough. We have had 3 million years of being recognisable humans, in context sharks and crocodiles have had 200 million plus, ferns and horseshoe crabs even longer. They've basically been unchanged. In the same time period, mammals have changed dramatically.

Eventually of course life will recover. Long after humans have gone.