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zuctronic t1_irt04xd wrote

"New research based on data from 18 countries concludes that adults with better mental health are more likely to report having spent time playing in and around coastal and inland waters, such as rivers and lakes (also known collectively as blue spaces) as children." (first paragraph of the article)


DeTrotseTuinkabouter t1_irtci4q wrote

"Around bodies of water" seems like a much better description.


ktrosemc t1_irv2y35 wrote

I don’t know of any “blue spaces” that wouldn’t also count as green spaces.


DeTrotseTuinkabouter t1_irv6h2g wrote

Wouldn't call the beach a green space. Some might have it with dunes behind it, but absolutely not all.

And I live in Amsterdam with lots of water. The river Amstel flows through the city and we have a bunch of canals. But not every place next to those is a green space. While I do think we all really enjoy the water and you'll have kids swimming in it in the summer (and us adults as well).


ktrosemc t1_isduny8 wrote

Interesting! All the water around where I live is in close proximity to a ton of trees…maybe besides a beach that’s right next to an industrial area and naval base.