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DooDooSlinger t1_iu8sz6o wrote

  1. a blanket statement against pharmaceutical companies as in the post I am replying to is a red flag because it is a blanket statement about an industry which - while it has issues - does conduct incredible amounts of scientific research and produces compounds with demonstrated clinical use

  2. I'm not saying plant derived drugs aren't a thing, they obviously are

  3. concerning CBD, there are some clinically proven applications, you have provided one, but once again I am replying to a post which makes blanket statements on its benefits. Such claims of a panacea are suspicious, which is my I am asking for specific sources which support this on a scientific basis.


Imaginary_Cup_691 t1_iu8tdnz wrote

You should start working with cannabinoids and watch cancer patients get immediate relief, sleep and appetite that bedside tables full of typical pharmaceuticals weren’t providing. I’ve watched it multiple times. The studies support jt and I’ve watched it work it person. Its so versatile and medicinal that doubting it is just strange.


DooDooSlinger t1_iu8ty7j wrote

First, the benefits of cannabis in a clinical setting are scientifically established so no issue here. This is due to THC, not CBD, as pure THC achieves the same results.

The post is about CBD


Imaginary_Cup_691 t1_iu8whbc wrote

I’m talking about CBD. Look man your name checks out and I don’t really feel the need to further try to convince you of what I know full well. I question more why the apprehensiveness to believe CBD is medicinal when you’ve apparently never worked with it


DooDooSlinger t1_iu9m6pc wrote

Just link to studies then jeez.


jazir5 t1_iubj6zi wrote

For what uses specifically? I'll find you numerous studies on google scholar easily. Just tell me what you're looking for.