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Jackolope t1_irz2mky wrote

Feel like there's some mental gymnastics taking place in your comment.


garbage-pale-kid t1_irz2qp4 wrote

It's my lived experience and the experiences of my friends and family.


Jackolope t1_irz2xl5 wrote

Really, because the first sentence is a broad declarative statement about the nature of men and women with none of that context. Get off your little high horse.


garbage-pale-kid t1_irz3rcr wrote

I'm not on a high horse, I just care about this topic. I was literally crying about this exact issue earlier today because every time I go to this store I love going to, some dude creeps at me and I cannot just go peacefully and shop no matter how I dress or how I present myself. And thinking about my baby sister and how she has to grow up where me and my other sisters have been harassed since before we even hit puberty.
