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SportySaturn t1_ittmp71 wrote

>Stupidity, rank hypocrisy, focusing on woke BS instead of efficiency, productivity, and profitability.

I know facts aren't the kind of thing people with your worldview are super interested in, but just to be overly optimistic about who you are: we currently have the greatest corporate profitability ever in the history of the US.

GDP per capita has also been trending upward for a long long long time and is at all time highs:

By the way, America does better economically under Democratic presidencies pretty much as a rule. More job creation, better GDP growth, higher increases in median income, greater improvements in quality of life, stock market returns, deficit reduction, you name it

Democrats invest in America. Republicans have austerity policies that cut investment in growth. By the way, Republican presidents pretty much always usher in a recession, and almost every recession we've had has been ushered in by having a Republican in the white house:

But don't worry. I know. What do facts matter? It feels like Biden is "corrupt" amiright? Hell yeah borther!


VSM1951AG t1_itueaff wrote

Why did you make this about party politics? Did I say anything about party politics? No. I never mentioned either party.

Why would you assume, merely because I criticize a Democratic president and vice president, I’m automatically a Republican? (I’m not.) If I were a Democrat, would I be forbidden somehow from criticizing the current administration? I hope not, as millions of Democrats are as disgusted by our current leadership as I am.

What you’re engaged in is called tribalism. My Team vs. Your Team. “My Team is always awesome, and your team offers nothing of value. “. It’s a two-dimensional worldview, and it’s killing us. We need good ideas and great leaders from wherever we find them.


SportySaturn t1_itv8gtf wrote

You sound defensive. If you're not worried about the facts being extremely clear that Democratic presidencies are much better for the economy, if you're not tribal and able to just call it as it is, can you affirm clearly that we should all be voting for Democrats if we're concerned about the economy?


VSM1951AG t1_itvwkik wrote

No. Again, I am not tribal. Some Democratic policies are better, and some Republican policies are better.


SportySaturn t1_itw3fjb wrote

You don't get to pick policies, you get to pick candidates from a party. The economic track record by party is extremely clear. Democrats are better for the economy. Go read that link. Better numbers for:

Real GDP growth

Job creation rate

unemployment rate

Unemployment rate change

inflation rate

budget deficit

S&P annual returns

Democrats are better for the economy, right? The numbers are very clear, right? Democrats are better, even if you feel like Republicans have better policies, right? Democrats have better outcomes, right?


VSM1951AG t1_itwiqax wrote

Please go away, Democratic Bot. When your party finally fixes the schools, particularly in African American neighborhoods, we’ll talk. The Party of Slavery, the Confederacy, the KKK, and Jim Crow is in no position to blow trumpets about how great it is.