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jrob323 t1_iswmdu5 wrote

In some states riders don't have to wear helmets at all, and many don't!

Motorcycles don't have seatbelts, airbags, or any kind of physical protection for the passenger(s). An accident that would be a minor annoyance in a car can be instantly fatal to a motorcyclist.

Add to this that some motorcycles have an extremely high horsepower to weight ratio and are favored by young thrill-seeking riders with little experience, and you have a recipe for disaster. Increasing the number of headlights isn't going to address these inherent problems.


nydutch t1_isx0apo wrote

They are two separate issues. Inattentional blindness is a real thing. I almost got run over once by a car making an illegal left out of a shopping center while I was waiting in a turn lane for my green arrow. Thankfully they saw me at the absolute last second and jammed on the brakes. They stopped 6 inches from my left leg.


Strazdas1 t1_isx52ac wrote

motorcyclist is just a short word for "organ donor on wheels"