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crazydavebacon1 t1_iufm4sb wrote

The Grand Canyon used to be a river also, it dried up, has nothing to do with humans. It happens. The world will survive, with our without humans.


tommy_b_777 t1_iugs49d wrote

The Grand Canyon was cut by the river currently still flowing through it - The Colorado. Go check a map - you can see the river clearly labeled…


crazydavebacon1 t1_iuh4tjf wrote

You know it’s tiny right? Dried up is still true, you see how deep it used to be?


tommy_b_777 t1_iui4ktu wrote

ETA OK I sound like an asshole - Nicer this time

It CUT the Grand Canyon dude - it wasn’t that huge, it CUT THE CANYON OVER TIME. Read a geology textbook. The plateau is sandstone, which you can cut with running water in days or weeks in some places. The river starts out in hard rock then hits soft sandstone and Cut the deep canyon you see over lots and lots of years. I live at the headwaters of the CO river, my friends guide on it…The GC was not full of water like lake powell once was...